~Two Fifteen

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After the funeral had ended, no one really knew what to do. Condolences were given, tears were shed, and still it felt wrong to be saying goodbye. 

Standing by herself by the gravestone for Admiral Kazansky, Oakley takes in a breath. 

"I never actually got to thank you, sir. When you were here, um, you probably wouldn't have remembered. It was my first day, and I was walking around, in your words, like a clueless puppy looking for the locker room. You took time out of your day and walked me there. And then you told me, to never let anyone tell me that I can't be here or I don't belong." Oakley stutters out as she hears footsteps behind her. 

"Thank you for showing me I belong, sir. Rest easy, sir. You deserve it."

"Are you okay?" She hears Pete's voice. 

"Uh oh. Yeah I'm okay sir." She turns to face him, adjusting her suit. 

"Are you okay sir?" Oakley watches as Maverick looks at the gravestone and then to the other corner of the cemetery. 

"I don't like being here. I have been here too many times, and yet this is the second time I have been here for someone I loved and was happy that they were my family. So I guess in some respects I am okay. But in others, I don't think I will be okay for the rest of my life." Oakley stares in shock, she wasn't expecting her instructor to just start talking to her. 

"I appreciate you asking, Lieutenant."

"No problem sir." Looking over his shoulder, Oakley sees Bradley looking around, presumably for her. 

"Well, um sir I'll let you be now." 

"Ah yes Lieutenant." He nods as she walks past him, making her way to Bradley. 

"Hey, what were you talking to Mav about?" 

"Just about the admiral." 

"Oh. We were thinking to head over to the Hard Deck, drink away the pain. What do you say?" 

"Sure brad, that sounds good." 

"Are you sure? Are you okay?" Bradley takes her hand in his, lifting her chin with his other hand. Smiling, Oakley reassures him that she's okay. 

When the young pilots get to the Hard Deck, it isn't bursting with chatter and music, in fact it is the opposite, slow music coming from the jukebox and quiet conversations fill the bar. 

After getting the drinks, the bar goes quiet, no one really knows what to say or do. It almost feels disrespectful. 

Bradley turns to Oakley, saying he'll be right back when he makes his way to the bar, climbing onto the seat to step onto the bar. 

"Excuse me, could I have everyone's attention?" Turning to look at Bradley, everyone waits for him to continue. 

"I didn't know the admiral, I knew of him. Iceman was a force to be reckoned with. I just wanted to say that, I am grateful for him because I don't think I would have chosen this life without him. And I know that's kinda weird to say but it's true. We are all here because of Admiral Kazansky and I would have never met the people I call family today. So I purpose a toast to him, to Tom. Thank you for setting the precedent for all of us. There will never be another flyer, person, or admiral like you." Downing his beer, everyone claps as Bradley hops off the bar. 

Righteous - Bradley Bradshawजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें