Part 31 - I'm Not Leaving You 💔🥺

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TW: Violence, guns, blood

You open your eyes and lift your head. You try to move but your legs and your hands are tied to the chair. You turn and see Lily tied next to you still unconscious.

You look around the room and see open notebooks with notes, books and test tubes with a light blue serum on a table.

You see a HYDRA symbol on the wall and you gasp. "MYA!" you hear Pietro yell as he sees you waking up, you turn but can't see him. "I'm here!" He says, tied on a chair in the back of the room.

"Mya are you ok?" You hear Bucky behind you.

"Bucky, what is happening?" You ask scared, trying to looking back at him.

"I don't know, doll. They knocked us all out, I can't get out of this." He struggles as he lifts his hands trying to break his arm out.

"Do not try, Soldat," a man with a thick accent comes in, another follows behind him.

You both look up "You" Bucky says. "You thought you could take us down?" He walks closer.

"But I saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents take you away!" He says in disbelief.

"Ahh isn't that something. 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' " He laughs, adding air quotes as he says S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Pathetic." He stops in front of you, pinches your chin and lifts your head. You furrow your eyebrows confused.

"DON'T TOUCH HER" Pietro yells. The man glances up at him and then back at you.

"Pleasure to meet you Mya Stark, I am Baron Strucker." He says with a smile.

You frown, he kneels in front of you. "I'll make a deal, I'll let you and your friends go but I keep the Winter Soldier"

"NO!" You yell, he chuckles and clicks his tongue. He looks back at the other man. "No Winter Soldier? We'll have to keep her and the girl. Get them ready," he tells the guy in German. You look at him confused. "NO" Bucky yells.

The man grabs your arm, tightens his grip around it. You look down at his hand around your arm and your heart starts pounding.

Bucky's eyes widen as he sees the man fill a syringe with the blue serum "NO STOP, I'll stay, Let them go!" he yells. Strucker laughs, "Too late soldier" he says in German.

Bucky yells, and gets the strength to break the handle holding his metal arm down. You look back and see him trying to break the other arm free.

Strucker opens a drawer and takes out a red book with a star on the cover. "Looks like I'll need to use this" he says with a thick accent. You furrow your eyebrows, Bucky looks up "No, please don't..." he begs.

A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of your stomach. You knew something bad was going to happen.

He smiles and opens the book. "Zhelaniye," He says in Russian, Bucky closes his eyes, "Rzhavyy... Semnadtsat'..." He continues.

"NO, STOP" Bucky yells shaking his head, still trying to break his other hand free.

You look terrified, Trigger Words you remember Shuri asked you.
THOSE ARE the Trigger Words.

"Rassvet... Pech'..." Bucky continues punching the metal holding his arm down, trying to break free. "Devyat'..."

"Please stop," Bucky begs. "STOP!" You scream seeing Bucky desperately trying to avoid the words.

"Dobroserdechnyy..." He finally breaks free, he screams and falls down behind you. You feel him trying to untie your hands before he finishes the words.

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