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As I stumbled around almost drunkenly, looking for one person in particular, I spot a somewhat familiar head of brown hair.

I slowly approach this person, before whispering, "Indra-chan?"

They turned around, and I let out a sad sigh, soon realizing it wasn't Indra who was in front of me. He looked similar to Indra though, which was odd to me.

"Hi! I'm Ashura, and I guess you're new here, since you mistook me for my brother, indra, heh." He said with a bright smile, scratching the back of his neck embarrassedly.

My eyes widened in surprise. 'Indra had a..brother?' I thought. How could this be? He trusted me with everything when we were young. So why didn't he tell me he had a brother?

"Hey, you ok? You seemed to be looking for my brother, do you need help finding him?" He asked, and I nodded, sighing softly.

"Thank you Ashura-san." I bowed, thanking him.

"Haha, no need to thank me! Just helping out a fellow person! By the way, why do you have a blindfold on?" He asked.

He can clearly see my wings and horns, and asks about my eyes? How peculiar.

"Well, I was always told to hide them, and not even show them to the person I was closest to." I said simply, choosing to keep my backstory as short as possible.

"Ah, I understand! Anyways, here we are! The training grounds!" He pointed over to a boy with red eyes, and fluffy brown hair, and

I waited till Indra had finished his training, before approaching him.


I whispered, as he looked at me in surprise, before going back to looking cold.

"Don't call me that."

He frowned, before walking away.

I frowned at his disappearing figure, before turning back to Ashura, who gave me a sad look.

"Sorry about that. He's always been cold since the day his best friend died."

My eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I'll go now, I have something I need to do." I said, bowing politely, before running off.

"Hey, wait!"

Ashura called out to me, as I kept running.

Once I was sure I had lost him, I sat on a tree branch, thinking.

"So Indra-kun thinks..*Mumbles*"

"So Indra thinks what?" A voice asked, almost causing me to fall out of the tree.

"A-ah, Indra-ku- Indra-san, you scared me for a moment." I sighed, seeing as it was just Indra.

"What were you mumbling?" He questioned, and I realized he heard me.

"Oh nothing, just a theory of mine. It's probably false anyways." I said, giving him a small smile.

'Judging by the way his heart is beating, he's suspicious of me.' I thought, chuckling internally.

"Ok then." He spoke, and I knew he was eyeing me suspiciously. "Anyways, why do you cover your eyes?" He questioned.

'You should already know the answer to this.. unless..'

"Hey.. can I check something real quick?"

I asked him, and he hesitantly nodded, after around 2 hours of begging and pleading with him.

I pressed my middle finger to his temple, searching through his memories.

I saw clips of him going through harsh training, being ignored, not getting enough love, etc.

But saw no clips of the time we had spent together as kids.

'Is this the wrong person?'

I questioned myself, before removing my middle finger from his temple.

"Did you find what you were checking for?"

He asked me, his heartbeat telling me he's curious.

"No, I didn't. I'm sorry for wasting your time. I probably was mistaken. You see, I'm looking for someone, a childhood friend, if you will, and I've been searching for him for the past 16 years." I spoke, assuming he wasn't listening.

"Hm. Well my father could probably help you find this person. What's their name?" He asked.

"Their first name is much like yours, but their full name is Indra Otsutsuki." I saw his heart and lungs stop for a moment, before his heart started beating rapidly.

"Are you ok? Your heartbeat is faster than the usual heartbeat of a person." I stated.

"Yea. Do you happen to remember what they looked like?"

I nodded, and gave him a full explanation of what Indra looked like as a kid.

"Ok, your gonna have to come with me, miss." He stated, grabbing my arm.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, not even trying to get rid of his hold on my wrist.

"I'm taking you to my father." He stated bluntly, dragging me to the Otsutsuki manor.

I sighed, wondering sadly about what had happened to Indra, since he was so sweet as a child.

As he dragged me, I realized that someone had either erased his memory, or he had blunt force trauma as a child, forcing him to forget.

But who would want to make him forget me?

|𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜 |Book 1Where stories live. Discover now