Chapter 29: Bone Me

Start from the beginning

She looked at him shocked. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

Leonard lifted her back up as she twirled out from his hold. Still holding on to his hand she said, "thank you".

"Just doing my job" Lenord said before they let go and she walked away adjusting herself.

Looking back at Leonard he pulled a key card out of his janitorial suit.

 "That's a nifty little trick." Ray said.

"Did you dance when you were younger?" You asked him. He was very slick and seeing him twirl her might have made you a little bit jealous.

"Why?" He said in his drawl that you began to recognize when he teased you. "Gonna ask me to dance?" he smirked.

Leonard then pulled something from his other pocket.

You recognized it as the lady's wallet.

You sighed. "Really?"

"We're trying to save the world and your lifting wallets?" Ray added.

"It's called multitasking" Leonard said looking at the wallet's contents.

Just then Sara and Kendra came down the hallway dressed in a uniform looking serious. The three of you went back to work pretending to act like janitors. Slyly Leonard passed Sara the key card and continued walking. 

You were able to hear the rest of the mission through the comms. Things were running smoothly until...

The alarm went off.

"We have a slight problem" you hear Sara say over comms.

Right after you hear a panicked Rip. "Where is that smoke coming from? We've got the file what the hell does Kendra think she's doing?" 

That doesn't sound good you thought.

"Good question" Sara answered Rip.

"Alright wonderful. We've got a demi goddess whose gone completely berserk. Abort I repeat abort. Get back to the ship right now."

You looked at Leonard and Ray and quickly made your way out of the Pentagon and back to the Waverider. 


Everyone was gathered around the seats while Rip was crouched over the center console. He was not happy. 

"Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, lets focus on the positive. " Ray said trying to cheer everyone up.

The main argument seemed to be between Professor Stein and Jax and Sara and Kendra. You, Leonard, and Ray had done your part. Of course, there hadn't been much for you to do. It was mainly Leonard who had done the work. Right now, you both were standing a safe distance away.

"What are you talking about? It was awesome." Mick said. Any time Mick was able to use his fire gun was a good time for him.

"In the same way tsunamis, earthquakes, and other natural disasters are "awesome" Professor Stein said to him.

"We got the file on Savage" Kendra said trying to lighten the mood.

"Despite the hiccup with the alarm?" Professor Stein said more to Jax than to Kendra.

Jax immediately rebutted. "Oh, so it's my fault now? You know maybe if you weren't always yammering away in my head I could actually focus."

"You have access to 60 years of knowledge and experience. Why not take advantage of that?" Professor Stein shot back.

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