Is it finally time?

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You had the bad dream again. Those words coming back to you like knives piercing your heart. You got out of bed, stumbled and fell on the floor. It was raining heavily. You wanted to go to the toilet to wash your face, trying to forget all about the dream. You used as much strength as you can to get up. You used the wall as support, but you felt so nauseous you almost collapsed again. You thought of going to the kitchen sink instead of the toilet since it was nearer. You stumbled along the way, but you made use of the furniture around to stabilise yourself. You turned on the tap and immediately splashed your face with cold water. Then you turned it off and turned to leave the kitchen. You felt much fresher, but you still felt dizzy. You saw someone at the corridor, outside your room. Your vision was blurry but you could make out who it was. It was Claus, he looked shocked. "What happened?! Are you alright, y/n?" he rushed over to you. He held your shoulders, making sure you could stand properly. "I-I had the dream again, I feel really dizzy..." you held your head. "Would you like me to get you anything?" he asked. You had the urge to ask him whether you could sleep in his room. You felt lonely and scared, and wanted someone to be with you throughout the night, but something was stopping you from asking. Maybe you felt scared he would become angry and say no. "I don't know, I'm just scared all by myself." you told him. "Would you like me to accompany you, I could sleep on the floor." he offered. "No! I don't want you sleeping on the floor again..." you suddenly snapped. You felt ashamed and covered your mouth. It's not like both of you can fit in the single bed. Wait what the hell are you thinking. "What about my room? I have a bed for two, if you're comfortable of course." he hesitantly offered and pointed towards the hallway. No way he's asking to share a bed. But you genuinely felt terrified of sleeping alone so you thought for a while. "Really? You'd do that?" you asked. "Of course, y/n." he put his arm around your shoulders and led you into his room. It was bigger than your room, his bed was bigger too. He had a shelf full of books, and his beloved chessboard on his nightstand. "Go settle in, I'm gonna go to the kitchen for a bit." Claus walked out of the room. You felt flustered, but kind of relieved that you weren't really alone anymore. You walked slowly over to his bed. You didn't know which side he usually sleeps on so you just take a random side. You hesitantly lift up the blanket, sat down and laid on the bed. Is he really comfortable with this? You thought over and over. Soon after Claus walked into the room again. "I brought you a glass of water." he said and placed it on the table next to you. "Thank you..." you muttered and took the glass to take a sip. Then you put it back and covered yourself with the blanket. You faced the wall, you thought Claus would feel uncomfortable if you faced him. "Sleep well." he said, turning his light off. You didn't answer him, you were trying your best to keep calm. The heavy rain caused the room to be cold. You shivered, using as much of the blanket as you can. Obviously that affected Claus. "Are you alright? Are you cold or something? You keep tugging the blanket." you heard him get up. "Nope, I'm fine." you lied, you were so cold and still scared of what happened earlier. "Need a hand?" you looked over and he was leaning on his side, his arm out. It was tempting, but you still thought for a moment. You slowly rolled over towards his side. Into his arms you go. Honestly you felt much better. You didn't feel as cold anymore. "I promise this will be the only time you'll be doing this, sorry..." you felt bad for worrying him. "No trouble at all, honestly, this is nice." then he went silent for the next few seconds. He probably fell sleep already. Then you slowly closed your eyes.
You suddenly heard a demonic scream outside. You jolted up, realizing it was just Felix, just doing his normal morning routine of annoying everyone. You rubbed your eyes, thinking about what happened in the middle of the night. Which reminds you, you're on someone else's bed. Claus was still sleeping, despite you getting up so aggressively. His arm was still on your pillow, where your head was. You wanted to make him more comfortable. You lifted his arm carefully and started to move it under the blanket. "What are you doing?" he opened his eyes and stared at you. You staggered backwards and almost fell off the bed. "Jeez... you didn't have to scare me like that. I was trying to make you more comfortable." you said, crossing your arms. "No need, well I'm awake now anyways." he sat up straight. Both of you stared at each other in the eyes for a brief moment. You got out of bed and ran off out of the room. You needed to get out of these pajamas, you cried and sweat all over it. You still couldn't stop thinking about that night. Did I really sleep in his room? you thought to yourself. Honestly you were glad you did or else who knew what would happen if you continued to sleep alone throughout the night. You got ready for a new day.

You went outside, seeing Andy, Felix, Melody and Margret all huddled together, chatting. "Hey guys!" you waved at them. "Y/n! How are you today? Where's Claus?" Andy smiled. "I'm doing great! Had a problem in the middle of the night though, but it's no biggy." you said. "Hm? What happened? Are you okay?" Melody looked worried once again. "It's complicated, but I get bad dreams now and then." you finally opened up. "You don't need to explain further if you don't want to. Are you okay?" Margaret said. "Just got scared and overwhelmed. But Claus helped." you didn't really go into detail, like, how he let you sleep in his room. "Wow, he really seems to care a lot for you." Andy said, putting his hand on your shoulder. "When are you going to ask him?" Felix asked. That question caught you off guard. "What do you mean, Felix?" you were confused. "Y'know, if he likes you. From what I see, he seems to be really into you."


"Hello there guys." you heard Claus's voice.

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