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"W-who are you?" you looked at the mysterious pumpkin headed man. He was wearing similar clothing to Andy. Was he Andy's friend? "I'm Peter the pumpkin, nice to meet ya!" he introduced himself. He moved closer. You backed away. "No need to be scared. I'm just a friendly pumpkin.." he reassured. You didn't know whether to trust him or not. "Wanna play a game of tag?" he asked. Ugh, you're already playing a game and now someone else is asking you to play a game. "Sorry I'm in the middle of a game already?" you said. "Oh, I see. What's the game about?" he asked politely. He sat on a haystack. "I have to find a set of keys. In here." you explained, hoping that he won't snap at you. You were sweating all over. "Ah, I see.. look, I have the keys." he held out the keys in his hand and shook them. "I-... why do you-" you tried asking him a question but he interrupted. "If you want them you'll need to play my game." he said. "I-fine... I'll play your game of tag." you gave in. "Sounds great! This way to the haystack maze! " he put the keys in his pocket and gestured you to follow him. You followed the strange pumpkin to the 'haystack maze'. It was just a bunch of haystacks, shaped in the form of a maze. The pumpkin turned around to look at you. "You're it, catch me if you can!" then he ran into the maze. This damn jerk. You ran into the maze to catch him. You were really surprised how fast he could run, despite his size. But  you could run really swiftly, you were able to catch him within a few minutes. " You caught me, good job!" he gave you a pat on the head. Both of you made your way back to the entrance. "There are pumpkins scattered around the whole maze. Collect all the pumpkins without being caught, and the keys are yours." he said and smiled. "Okay..." you were nervous. You ran into the maze. You ran as fast as you could away from him so he would lose you. You didn't want him to catch you. You found a pumpkin on the way. You stopped running and continued on walking. You found 2 more pumpkins. No sign of Peter anywhere. Although you could hear his footsteps from the other side of the haystack sometimes. You see a pumpkin ahead. Ah, finally this must be the last pumpkin... you went nearer to it. This pumpkin seemed higher than the other ones though. You shined your lantern light towards it. That wasn't just any pumpkin, it was Peter the pumpkin. You immediately ran the opposite  direction as fast as you possibly can hearing Peter dash after you behind. You felt petrified, but you forced yourself to run. As if things weren't scary enough, you hit a dead end. You dropped to the floor and turned to look at Peter. He had a inhumane look on his face. He was not normal. "Please don't hurt me!" you begged him. "I won't hurt you, but you didn't win the game!" his voice was much deeper now. He moved closer and closer. You held on to your head, on the verge of tears. Then you heard the sound of metal clanging. You looked up, Peter was on the floor. There was blood on his head. You could see a glimpse of someone in the shadows. You took your lantern you threw in the corner and shined it toward whoever it is. Claus was standing there, holding a bloody metal pole. You were shaking all over, but you stood up and ran to Claus. You hugged him, relieved to see him. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He looked at you, finding any possible injuries. "No, I'm fine.. but what are you doing here?" you were surprised to see him here. "When Felix asked you to play a game, he basically means 'do you want to die? '. Never trust that stupid fish." Claus rolled his eyes. He held on to you, making sure you felt safe. You were still shaken up by what happened, but Claus carried you and started walking. " We need to get out of here before he wakes up. " he said. You took one last glance at Peter, you kinda felt bad. Once you reached the entrance, the door was already open. You were extremely tired from running. You could hear a few muffled voices, before sleep took over.

"I'm sorry okay??? I didn't know it could have gotten this bad! Whatever they saw, I didn't know it's in there." that sounded like Felix's raspy voice.

You opened your eyes. You saw the blue sky and it was so bright. So bright that it hurt your eyes, probably because you spent like hours in the darkness. You heard people talking, you are not really sure who it is. You sat up. "Huh-? What happened? Where am I?" you muttered. "You're okay! Thank goodness." You heard Andy's voice. Finally your eyes focused. Everyone was huddled around you, all looking worried. Felix looked guilty. "Don't worry guys I was just sleeping... I was pretty tired." you said to reassure them. Claus had his arms crossed, he was standing behind everyone, focused on your face. You were on the picnic bench. "Claus brought you here.. and then he told us what happened." Margret said. "Sorry I put you up with all that.. I didn't realize someone was living in the barn. " Felix felt bad. " It's okay just don't do it again. " you forgave him. "I brought you some water." Melody handed you a glass of water. "Thanks Melody!" you were so thirsty. "Okay fun's over I'm bringing them back to rest." Claus held out his hand for you. You took his hand and both of you started to make your way back to Claus's house. You looked back to wave goodbye to your friends. Melody and Felix had those faces again, wonder what they're thinking?

 Melody and Felix had those faces again, wonder what they're thinking?

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Maybe someone's got a crush.

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