Chapter 7: New day and family troubles

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no one knew what to say they were frozen in place after that previous attack something that left them speechless happened Izukus gauntlet evolved and erupted with power firing a dragon shot of pure draconic energy devouring Bakugos blast and sending him flying out the building into another.

Iida: *cough**cough* Yagi? Yagi!!

He screamed when he heard coughing and walked to it to see Mina leaning against a wall

Iida: Mina! Are you alright ?!

He ran to her and helped her stand up"Mina you aren't hurt are you ?" he asked worried

Mina: No i'm fine but where's Midori

Iida: I'm not sure, Yagi, Yagi!!

He called after a bit the smoke cleared and the first thing they saw was the area where Bakugo was once standing had been turned to ruble destroyed to the paint that the metal in the roof was coming down onto the floor.

They narrowed their eyes seeing a figure appearing as the smoke dispersed and when it finally went their eyes widened to see Izuku standing in the same position he was in when he fired the blast earlier but with smoke coming off his clothes that were torn and covered in dirt. Izuku stumbled forward before falling down to the ground not moving a single inch.

Iida: Yagi!!!

They ran over to Izuku to see that he was still breathing but only barely 

Mina: Oh no Midori !!

Iida: All Might help us !! ALL MIGHT HELP US !!!

All Might immediately dashed in and was shocked by the state of Izuku.

All Might thoughts: I wanted to find out how Izuku gained his powers but I didn't want this forgive me my boy 

Picking Izuku up slowly he dashed away


Izuku blinked once, twice and then three times full opening his eyes he saw himself underneath an unfamiliar roof " w-where am I?" he asked himself .

Ddraig: We're in the UA infirmary partner

Izuku: Ddraig?...What happened ?

Ddraig: You took on the full force of Bakugos blast and evolved the boosted gear I guess that zapped away all your stamina 

Izuku: I guess *sigh* 

Izuku sat up feeling his body ache " argh damnit " he took a deep breathe trying to relax himself.

Ddraig: Are you alright partner ?

Izuku: y-yeah I am but I can't help but wonder what happened to Bakugo that orange electricity that surrounded him when he attacked us...His quirk can't do that do you think it was that mans quirk  

Ddraig: Indeed the quirk of your scum farther passed on to an unfit user

Recovery girl: oh you awake deary 

Izuku turned his head to the right to see Recovery girl enter the room 

Izuku: Y-yeah thanks for taking care of me recovery 

Recovery: Oh it's fine sweetie that's my job after all but you should be more care you did get seriously injured when you took that other boys attack that's why i'd like you to come back to my office tomorrow so I can heal you up but for now head back to your class

Izuku: right thanks Recovery

He bowed and left the room

with Izuku:

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