Chapter 3: Training to be the best

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Izuku opened his door slowly and quietly the clock on the wall across the hall showed that it was 7 am and the window revealed the sun rising slowly. Quickly as to not cross any of his soon-to-be awoken parents he tiptoed to the door wearing a tracksuit and a scarf.

 Quickly as to not cross any of his soon-to-be awoken parents he tiptoed to the door wearing a tracksuit and a scarf

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Then he felt something bump into his foot and looked down to see Bakugo sleeping in a sleeping bag beside Izumi.

Izuku: phew 

He was scared he woke them up when suddenly 

Ddraig: Good morning partner !!

Izuku: AH!

He jumped in shock and ended up jumping onto Bakugos stomach waking him up and making him scream which caused his sister to wake up 

Izumi: What the !! IZUKU!!!

Izuku quickly made a break for it before they could get him and left the house slamming the door shut.

Izuku: *sigh* why Ddraig

He asked the laughing dragon 

Ddraig: hahaha...sorry but you have to admit that was funny 

Izukus worried expression turned into one of laughter " pfft did you see his face it was like he crapped his pants " Ddraig once again burst out laughing as Izuku sped down the street


Izuku arrived at Takobah beach a filthy place filled to the bottom with trash

Ddraig: Alright well done for finding this spot partner it will do nicely for training !!

Izuku smiled a bit

Ddraig:  Now as you know we'll be doing our training here for the next 10 months, you will return this beach to its former glory before it was filled with trash for your training so prepare yourself for it will be hard, you will feel like your dying and you won't be allowed to stop so tell me are you ready?

Izuku: *sigh* I've wanted to be a hero every day of my life so it doesn't matter what's thrown against me I won't stop till I succeed 

Ddraig: Hahaha well said partner now...Let's begin!!!


And so there Izukus's months of hellish training began he would start his days off with some light stretching very early in the morning 5:00 to be exact and after waking up he dressed in a tracksuit for his training and would head out to buy himself a light breakfast using his father's card since neither of his parents cared enough to make him breakfast at all.

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