Tristan was right, this was fucking tragic.

"Oi, you," Cadence didn't want to get used to her tongue saying his name but she caught his attention all the same as he was already looking at her.


Cadence looked to Accalia who sat unsettled, hugging her middle as if to protect herself from ache.

"Can you smell my normal scent?" Cadence pried, needing to know if they were in the all-clear when crossing through the bounds of the Canus pack.

All week, every single day, night and morning, Cadence, Accalia and Erisa all spent time wearing different scents throughout the day, washing out their normal odours.

Tristan was told to do the same and he opted for a flowery scent.

Rexton didn't even inhale or move to get a whiff. "I can."

Cadence's face went blank.

"But," Rexton added and sent an encouraging smile her way. "I can smell the other scent you have on you more so. My senses are much more heightened than others. It also happens to be because you are my—"

"Got it!" Cadence turned back around and slumped down in her chair so he wouldn't see her.

Cole's territory was a citadel of trees that sanctioned around the entire pack and hid what lurked within.

Canus wolves were the monster that hid under your bed and in your closet. You knew they were there, you knew what they could do but you tread edlightly in disturbing them.

The moon barely peeled through the parted trees, the patchy road barely visibly as the car took every bump and bend. As they came closer to the pack bounds, Tristan parked between two tree trunks and immediately switched the car off, not wanting to draw unwanted attention.

"How are we getting in?" Accalia questioned in a scarce whisper.

"It's a Friday night," Tristan gave Cadence a tricky grin and continued, "Werewolves will be out and others will go to the far east of the pack — we're gonna go through the gaps of the trees on the west. And Cole doesn't exactly have patrollers watching the borders or any form of security. They don't give a fuck about that stuff."

Accalia prompted her elbow on the console, sparing her brother a doubtful look. "That sounds like an awful plan."

Tristan rounded on his sister, patting her on the head and she shooed him away. "Lilybelle, these brainless fuckheads will have nothing on their minds but sex, alcohol and having a good old time. They'll be distracted and we'll slip past them."

Accalia frowned in thought and pushed back against her seat. "The good old days."

Cadence laughed and looked ahead, remembering the nightly drives they would take to set up camp in the woods. They were young, and thoughtless, even if they knew what they were doing and were prepared for anything. It was simpler back then, setting traps, tracking and tailing after the enemy.

Cadence's eyes narrowed on suspicion, searching into the darkness as a figure moved along the bushes in a graceful movement that looked like floating.

A just and rational rage flared up inside Cadence's chest on impact.

The figure revealed itself like black smoke, draped in a travelling coat and showing a delicate and youthful face.

"Can we run her over?" Cadence asked Tristan and he immediately leaned forward to see what she was pointing to.

"As long as I'm not burying the body," Tristan muttered icily and relaxed back into his chair, closing his eyes so he wouldn't see a thing. "By all means."

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