Chapter 1 - Moving Precincts

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"We did it, we did it. Yeah, yeah, we did it" I sang walking into the precinct with my partner and a man in handcuffs next to me. "We got the drug bust, we got the drug bust!" I sang with my partner as we spun in circles.

I put the man in a holding cell and went to my desk to start on my paperwork. "Hey Y/n, come to my office for a sec" my captain said.

I got up from my desk and went over to his office. "What's up sir?" I said sitting down on the chair across from him.

"Y/n you know you're our best detective right? Well I was talking to some of my superiors and we were thinking it might be better for you if you moved to a state with higher crime rates, for example new york." "And do I have to go?" I asked.

"Well... No but it would be a lot of paperwork if you don't since there's already a space for you on one of their best detective teams." "I really want to say yes but I'll miss you guys a lot if I go. And I cannot talk to new people that will be torture" I groaned.

"I'll take that as a yes! I'm going to email your new captain that you'll be there tomorrow." "Wait what tomorrow?" I asked dumbfounded. "Yeah, sorry for the short notice but good news is you'll be starting the same day as the new captain so you won't be the only newbie" he smiled.

"Oh how fun and exciting" I said sarcastically. "You have a temporary apartment there too, you can stay there for up till six months then you have to move out" my captain said. "Can I see pictures? Also what about c/n (cat name)?" I asked.

"Well look at these pictures" he said handing me his phone "and you can keep your cat don't worry."

I looked through the pictures and the apartment looked spacious and it had a great view.


I was putting the last thing from my desk in a box and sighed, feeling slighly empty looking at my desk with nothing on it.

When everyone realised that I was leaving right then they all gave me and hug goodbye.

After I hugged everyone I got into the lift down from the eighth floor. "If the people there are even half as nice and good as you guys are that would be great" I smiled as the doors closed over.

I walked past the empty reception desk and got into my car. I started the car then realised when I get home I was going to have to start packing.


I was at home and almost finished packing. I was listening to f/b (favourite band/singer) while packing and just now the music stopped meaning that I had listened to all of their songs.


I looked around my empty house as people came in to take my boxes and put them in a truck, bringing them to my new house in Brooklyn.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the link my boss sent me, which was my flight. It left at 4am and it was already midnight so I grabbed the bag that I specially packed for the plane, grabbed c/n's cat holder and went to my car.


By the time I got to the airport it was 1am. I brought c/n to the luggage area, stopping to feed her her sleeping pill before the flight.


I was looking through the airport shop and I had already bought a giant Toblerone and many sweetes even though I knew I probably would fall asleep on the plane and eat none of it anyways.

Opposites Attract ~ Rosa Diaz x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن