[OUTDATED] August 16th

69 2 2

Minuit POV

I didn't know where I was running towards, but I ran. I ran as fast as I could, the only thought in my head : "I have to run away from La Soleil."

Tears streaming down my face were making me feel colder than it actually was, the rain that just started pouring didn't help. Even if I wore a jacket, I was shivering with cold. The adrenaline rush I got from fighting the thieves was slowly going away and I struggled to grasp some fresh air, I started looking around myself, realizing by running towards wherever, I got lost. I was in the middle of the city. I didn't know what time it was, how long I ran, or even if I'm still in the same area. I kept walking in this dark place, having to go through alleys where there were few, if any lights, to avoid cops, now that I didn't have anything to cover my ears. If they found me, they would think I'm an alleycat, and either listen to me if I say that I have owners and a family or else take me to some shelter..

As I faced a small river with benches in front of it, I took the occasion, and admired the view for a bit, thinking about my time with the Minaduki Family, with my "Masters"..

"Master". I hated this word.. I never called Kashou or Shigure this way.  Other cats talked to their owners with high respect, but not me. I always talked to them like I'd talk to anyone else. They didn't seem to mind, which pleased me..

"This year with them was the best year of my life.."

I smiled and laid down on the bench, closing my eyes, trying to forget about how cold I was for a second by thinking about this one year..

Kashou and Shigure found me one day, in the middle of spring, in the streets, A few days after my Mother's owner threw me out. I don't remember why, but as soon as I was able to live without my mother, I was kicked out. I'm not sure of it, but as far as I know, I was the only one of my brothers and sisters to be kicked out.

I lived by myself for sometime, chasing small animals, drinking from whatever water I found, but I didn't want to live like this all my life, so I studied humans writing, by stealing some books I found in the trash, and wrote something along the lines of "I'm cat alone need home" on some cardboard I found, and everywhere I went, I was standing up as I could, putting the cardboard on top of me, stretching my hands as high as I could, which wasn't really high. Everywhere I went, I was ignored, but I never lost hope, until, one day, Kashou and Shigure noticed me and asked me if I wanted to come and live with them, to which I agreed immediately, until I regretted it, only a few minutes later. I was used to living in the streets, not in a house. I was wary of their intentions, not wanting to be thrown out like my Mother's owner did to me. But soon enough, I was touched by the kindness they showed to me, even if I was very far from being a calm kid.

And before I could realize, I already had to grow up, sort of. Azuki came into the family, making me an older brother. I say older, but Azuki was approximately born around the same day as me, meaning we grew up at the same time. I was older but we always considered ourselves like twins, and like every siblings growing up, there were some fights for everything, the smallest of disagreement would turn into a full-on fight. Even if our fights were quite often, we always deeply cared for one another. Most of my year was spent with only Azuki as my sibling, and, around 10 months after we got adopted, we were already looking much different from what we were then, or me, at least. Azuki, being a Munchkin, remained small, as I kept growing. The twins that were around the same height 10 months earlier were looking like a brother and his younger sister. My hair grew longer as time passed, quite ironic for an American shorthair, but I can't go against nature. I ended up getting the habit of making a low ponytail to keep my hair in place. Azuki and me were very close and always there when we needed it, to console one another, just talk, or anything really, but, still, we always teased each other for almost anything, just to see who would snap first (Azuki. She almost always snapped first.).

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