Going back home and little sis quince

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Year: 2016
Age: 19 years old


I'm in my dorm watching my kids Mariposa who is almost 3 years old and Julio who is 1 years old. Lisa is busy with her group since they debuted this year so I offered to spend time with my kids since I have a month off with my group. I was in the living watching Mariposa play with her toys and I have my son asleep on me while I was watching tv on low so I won't wake him. Every week I would call Schneider and update him on how I'm doing, he also knows about my two kids that I have with my fiancé. I was watching dolphin tale 2 and it was getting very interesting until I heard my phone go off telling me someone is calling me.

I picked up the phone and answered it knowing it was Schneider calling me. "Hey, Schneider how's it going?" I asked him. "I'm doing good and I want to invite you to Elena's quince that's happening in the next couple of days." He said. "Wait, really? Man where have the times gone? I remember Elena when she was six and always looks up to me before I was kicked out." I said. "Yeah, she really misses you so does your mom, abuela and Alex." Schneider said. "Well, I got a month off and since Lisa is busy with her debut so I will be taking the kids with me." I said. "Good that's all I wanted to say and just so you know it's a surprise so she doesn't know your coming or that I have been in contact with you." Schneider said.

"Alright I will get a plane ticket for today and call you when I land." I said. "Ok, I can't wait to see you again." Schneider said. "I got to go pack bye." I said. "Bye, Y/n." Schneider said before he hanged up. It's been 9 years since I seen my family im very excited and nervous at the same time. Julio finally woke up and started to play with his sister so I packed my stuff and then packed my kids stuff. I made sure to text Lisa I'm taking the kids with me to L.A to see my little sister at her quince which she agreed. I bought the tickets and took the kids to the car and drove to the airport I already told my bandmates where I'm going so they won't worry about me and the kids.

I made sure we were at the right terminal and went inside the plane I made sure mariposa and Julio are situated next to me. Then we were taking off to L.A my hometown. Julio went to sleep once the plane took off but Mariposa is wide awake she looks a little nervous. "What's wrong mi flor?" I asked her. "I'm nervous about meeting bisabuela, abuela, tía Elena and tío Alex. What if they don't like me?" Mariposa asked. I could see my younger self self saying something similar to mí mami. "They will love you. I'm sure of it and besides we're Cuban we are tough nut to crack." I said making mariposa smile at me.

After a couple hours the plane finally landed and I made sure that my kids have their masks on as I put on my mask so I won't get recognized easily by my fans. Once we got out the terminal I went to get the luggage which wasn't much I texted Schneider where we are and 2 minutes later I see him with a sign that says Alvarez. I walked up to him while carrying Julio in on arm and the other holding Mariposa hand. He saw us and he got excited and picked up Mariposa as she hugged him back. I hugged him next as he grabs our luggage and walked out the airport. "It's good to see you again Y/n. Man you grew very tall." Schneider said. "Yeah, had a growth spurt at 13 years old." I said. We all got into his car and put our seatbelts on I made sure that Julio and Mariposa are situated right before I sat in the front seat.

"How's Elena feeling with her quince coming up?" I asked him. "Well at first she wasn't to on board but then your mom changed her mind and now she is excited she just wished you were here with her." Schneider explained to me as I felt sad for Elena cause I wasn't there through out all these years especially when she came out. After a couple minutes we were at the apartment building. Julio manage to wake up and look around while Mariposa can't wait to see my side of the family. We walked to the apartment door still the same as I remembered. We walked in and see all my Tia's and Tio's and cousins in one room. Mariposa looked around and see some of our family members helping out with the quince decorations.

The oldest Alvarez حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن