Chapter 7 - The Demon and the Doll

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Hella, in her personal studio, sat at a large desk, surrounded by blueprints and cluttered pieces of metal. Fully focused on her work, the scarbie didn't even look away as with her magnetism control power, she drew the necessary tools right into her hand without having to move from her chair. Once in a while, one of the dolls came to bring her a plan or ask him for approval of something. It wasn't easy being the head of an entire factory every day, so she felt sorry for Mr. Lordi and Emily, who as lord and lady, had to keep the worlds in balance. She had a thought for them, and for her other friends staying on the other side of the world, and hoped that they were all well. This decision to leave Canada to come and live in this isolated valley in Europe was a choice she had made, no longer supporting the unjust laws and the unhealthy distrust established by humans. She hadn't liked leaving her friends of the brotherhood like this, but all of them had respected her choice, and even some, like Amen, Otus and Hiisi, had chosen to come with her so that she wouldn't be alone.


While their parents took care of the daily chores in the village, the children entertained themselves with various games in the snow. A group, consisting of a little elf girl, with a dwarf boy, a werewolf boy and a faun girl, had silently approached a place near but away from the village, and hiding behind a big rock, were watching something. What they were looking at was Mathias, standing in the middle of this small, sparse space surrounded by trees and busy training, his claymore of hell in hand.

_ "So he's Lady Hella's boyfriend?" asked the little faun girl, curious.

_ "Yes, and it is said that he is a friend of Lord Lordi and Lady Emily." replied the little elf girl.

_ "Did you see the size of that sword? It's amazing. How can he lift it so easily?" said the dwarf boy with fascination.

Unaware that he had a small secret audience, Mathias continued his daily training that he had been practicing for months now. Every morning, he spent nearly two hours practicing a kind of meditation, mixed with claymore combat movements, in order to perfect the mastery of his concentration, his emotions, and thus better control the demon Lamia who was now part of of him, sometimes feeling that the demon remained wild and ready to try to get out at the slightest imprudence.

_ "Well, you're getting better and better with that sword." came Hella's voice suddenly.

_ "Look, it's Lady Hella." the werewolf boy whispered to the others, still hiding behind the rock and watching.

Scarbie arrived with a small smile, while Mathias paused and went to wipe his face with his napkin to remove a little sweat.

_"And that? What's behind your back?" Mathias then asked, noticing and pointing to something.

Hella smirked, then revealed it by pulling the object into her hand with her magnetic power. It was a forged hammer, made from scrap metal salvaged from the factory and reinforced with plates, and bristling with small spikes around the head.

_"Oh that? Let's say that a simple knife was no more enough for me to fight in melee." Hella replied proudly. "I needed something more... how to say..."

She hurled the hammer with her metal control power, sending it flying at full speed and slamming into the trunk of a tree, nearly slicing it in half and bringing it crashing down. Mathias hissed in admiration at such a weapon and immediately approved. Striking would be the adequate word to describe this weapon.

_ "Would you like to test our weapons in a small friendly fight?" Hella asked as she picked up her hammer, doing a few nimble flips with it.

_"If you want, but I warn you: I'm a bad loser." replied Mathias with a smile and a teasing look, taking his claymore back in hand.

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