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[WORD COUNT: 3.8k]

'feels like falling in love'

▹ ◃

"Fuck sake..."

You awoke to the feeling of soft covers tangled around your ankles and the feeling of a subtle chill clawing its way in through the small gaps between the window frames. You'd slept in the most peculiar position and had awoken to a pulling sensation in the side of your neck. Not to even begin to talk about the ache that thumped in your legs from the events of last night. You felt the twinge in the delicate muscles as you shifted slightly, stretching out your legs. Despite the aggravating pain which you knew would only wind you up as the day continued, it brought a little sparking flutter to your chest as you remembered just what and who was the blame.

You rolled over, using all your might to shift your body to the other side of the bed and flopped down onto the mattress, star shaped across the entirety of the mattress. Abruptly, you sat up, eyes scanning around the bed.

"Peter?" you called out through broken vocal chords. You massaged your neck gently as you waited for an answer, feeling the impossible dry spot at the back of your throat that could never be tamed no matter how many times you swallowed. You sat there for a moment and listened, waiting for a single shift of movement, but from the bedroom you heard nothing.

You called out again, still hearing nothing. At the sound of the continuous silence you jumped up and out of bed, suddenly realizing you where still completely naked. Scrambling around like a new born calf, you managed to piece together a shirt and some boxers you grabbed from Peter's duffel bag that was still sitting by the bedside. As you slid the material over your head, you became engulfed in his scent once again, not that it didn't linger in the fabric of the pillows, but on a piece of clothing that soully belonged to him, it was so much stronger.

After straightening out the shirt and stepping into the boxers, you headed out onto the landing, calling out his name again. Finally, this time you got a response; "In here," he called out, voice echoing from the living room.

You tread carefully, trying not to burst through the living room door and make it obvious to the reality that being unknowing as to where Peter was made you slightly anxious. Where you really becoming that attached to him already?

"Hey," Peter smiled as you entered, turning from where he was sitting to look over at you, "are you okay?" he asked as his gentle eyes scanned you up and down.

"Yeah, I'm okay," you nodded as you stood there, rubbing your hands up and down your thighs, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, Ned's been blowing up my phone all morning and I didn't want it to bug you..." he trailed off slightly, voice growing shallow as he watched you, still just standing there. For a moment he caught you in an act that was glazed over with such innocence. There was a new light being shone down on you as though you where a deer in the headlights, and Peter wasn't quite sure why, but he developed quite the regard for such.

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