How far will You go?

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Kaminari: Mina, Mina!! Rushes to the said pink classmate waving his phone in the air. Come here for a sec, you gotta see what I have!!

Mina: Was cheering on Sero on Dance Dance Revolution What is it, Kami? I'm busy cheering Sero in Dance Dance Revolution. He's close to beating Todoroki's high score!!

Sero: Just.a.few.more...sweating from dancing for close to 30 minutes

Kaminari: Forget about that!! Plops down beside Mina Todoroki can't be defeated, all of us tried and aren't even close.

Jiro: Just walked in with a cup of tea made by Momo in her hands Not all of us, you idiot. Most of us did, but there is still a possibility that the others who haven't tried might beat him.

Misstep Misstep, New Score not beaten. You lose. Try better next time.

Sero: Aww man, I'm so tired.  Plops down on the couch in between Mina and Kaminari. How does Todoroki even manage to dance for so long? I feel like my legs are going to pop!!

Mina: That's just the power of one of the powerhouses. They have monstrous stamina. Face solemn but changed to a questionable one So what do you want to show us, Kami?

Kaminari: Oh yeah!! Picks up his phone Before that, do you guys ever think how far Bakugo, Midoriya, and Mizutani would go for each other? 

Sero: I think it's pretty obvious how far they'll go, bro.

Mina: Yeah, they will go to hell and back and repeat on a loop for each other.

Kaminari: I mean yeah, but have you ever thought about their response to it? Like what they will say?

Jiro: I didn't think it was possible for you to make such an intriguing topic to listen to, lightning boy.

Kaminari: Hey, I can be smart sometimes!!!

Jiro: Never said you aren't.

Mina: Ok, before you continue firing left and right at each other, I'm also curious as to what their response is.

Sero: Me too.

Kaminari: Then feast your eyes on the evidence, the Great Chargebolt has gathered on his trusty buddy. Shows them his phone where he clicks on a video to play.

Video #1
Kaminari: Hey Bakubro!! Whatcha doing~?

Bakugo: Was on his bed reading  The fuck do you want, Dunce face? Can't you see I'm busy?

Kaminari: I know bro but I got an important question to ask you.

Bakugo: Then fucking ask and get out. Places his bookmark and looks at Kaminari impatiently.

Kaminari: How far would you go for Midoriya and Shun?

Bakugo: Blinks at him owlishly  That's it?

Kaminari: Yeah?

Bakugo: ...I would die for them...NOW GET OUT!! Sends small explosions 

Kaminari: Hahaha dodges his explosions Okok, thanks Bakubro!! Gets the door slammed in his face. Geez, no need to slam the door man.

Video #1 ends

Sero: Classic bakubro.

Mina: But that was so sweet, I knew Bakubro have a soft side to him.

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