Amanda waller's pov-

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As I go through the files and explain each criminal. I keep glancing at the last file. The reason being is, I don't know if I want to bring her into this. She just doesn't seem like the criminal who did all of those things. Maybe she was framed like she claimed. No, the evidence was solid.

"Waller is that all of them, because if so you are wanting to put our lives in the hands of witches, gang bangers, and crocodiles?"

"Don't forget the joker's girlfriend." Letting at a sigh I grab the last file setting it down.

"No, we also have Scarlet. Otherwise known as scar. Only seventeenth and has hit sociopath level. Some say she has powers while others say she is human with a terrible mind. According to everyone except her she is worse than everyone I mentioned. She was never normal like Harley, nor did she have a weakness like dead shot. Money wasn't her goal, and so far no one had seen her regret or feel guilt of any kind. The fact he also looks normal made it really hard to catch her."

"Well then how did you catch her?"

"To be honest, she walked into the prison one day with a handcuffed Batman. She then found herself her own cell. We decided to just let it be. That was three years ago."

"Um... ok. Now why do I get the feeling you're hiding something."

"Well there also were rumors that she was involved in Superman's death. Although it seemed impossible she was in prison at that time. The hole we had gotten rid of. So all of those rumors couldn't possibly be real." I had no actual idea if she was involved. She was in prison but I had a feeling about her. My heart told me she was deadly but in my mind there is no logical answer to anything that was done around her. Sometimes I think it was just a fatal coincidence or something. "In a world of flying monsters this is the only way to protect our country."

After a meeting with some high government officials I was cleared to start my team. So I went down to the prison to have a look. It was a pretty nonstandard visit. Saw Harley in her cage, Deadshot got to stretch his legs, while my piro friend is having an identity crisis. Now I sit in my office trying to figure out if I want to visit Scarlet.

"You notice these are criminals, psychotic, antisocial freaks. It makes no sense. Let me hit the tier one units and I will make you a team of pie getters that will do anything you can dream of. I mean you really need soldiers, not these scumbags." Rick Flag is storming and yelling around my office.

"In world war two the US navy made a deal with the mafia to protect its ships on the waterfront."

"This aint world war two."

"It's world war three."

"What are you really up to?"

"It's a need to know and all you need to know is you work for me."
"That can change in a phone call. I have friends you know." Grabbing my phone I put it on the desk in front of him.

"There you go... call. Just remember your lady friend stays here and without you minding her she will be strapped to a board in a drug induced coma."

I saw the fight drain from his eyes. "They warned me about you. My dumbass didn't believe the stories."

"Nobody does."

I jump a little in shock at the new voice coming from the doorway. "I did." Turning around quickly I was shaken at Scarlet lean on the door frame. Flag pointed his gun at her.

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