Ace chuckled at that. "Yup, that's Severus, he's friends with Lily Evans, the one sitting next to those annoying boys. I don't know them very well, they're a bit obnoxious and loud, but I sat next to Remus in potions last year and he seemed fairly lovely when he was actually there."

She had motioned to the boy who'd been staring at her before, and two others, one with unruly hair and round glasses, the boy who had knocked into her on the train station. He was shoving a guy with a big smirk and great hair.

Remus turned to them, probably feeling their eyes, and Carmilla just glared, if he suspected anything about her, she certainly didn't want to get with that crowd.

A short, nice-looking man strolled up to them, handing out cards to the other students on the way. "Miss King! It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm your head of house." He smiled brightly at them, passing timetables over.

That was adult talk for 'when you get in trouble, I'm the one who dishes out the detentions, so watch it'.

Carmilla smiled. "Hello."

"I'm sure Miss London here can show you to the common room after dinner, but Professor Dumbledore wants to speak to you first. Maybe about liquorice wands. I will see you in charms tomorrow, have a nice evening girls!"

He left to talk to some older students, leaving a confused Carmilla. "Liquorice wands?"

"Don't worry, I have a few detentions under my belt, I can show you where his office is. Lemme see your timetable, I don't want to sit by myself in transfiguration again." Ace said, and compared their timetables while a girl called Angela introduced herself to Carmilla.

"Where did you transfer from?" She asked.

Carmilla glanced up from her Yorkshire pudding, "Ilvermorny, in America. I'm starting my third year."

She found out that Angela was also in her third year, and they shared potions and what she learned was Defence Against the Dark Arts. She had Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic with Ace, who told her to bring a pillow to the latter.

Apparently, Transfiguration was difficult, which meant that Carmilla would have to practise whatever they were learning that day beforehand, or at least read up on the subject afterwards. Lot's of studying involved.

She hadn't read any of her books required for school. Her plan had been to just struggle through the first week, and then learn to read over the weekend so she was slightly prepared.

If she was in Ravenclaw, it couldn't be that hard... right?

The only core subject she had without Ace or Angela was Herbology, with the Gryffindor's, but apparently that was easy if you just copied everyone else and didn't say rude things to the plants.

Astronomy was with the Hufflepuffs, but hopefully Heather and her friends would be kind to her.

It was all a lot of information on her first night, but she would just have to organise herself. And not sleep in. At the girls home, they were up by seven in the morning for mass, so she should be fine.

Living at an orphanage, and a religious one at that, proved hard, since she was surrounded by crosses, but once she had told the girls how her skin became hot and blotchy sitting at the front near the altar, they just organised themselves so that she was seated to the back of the church. Then she could draw pictures for the younger sisters in the back of the bibles.

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