Part 3

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Sorry for late releasing a new part.... My teachers literally gave me and my classmates a TON of homework! ;d

I'm very sorry:(


Mikoto finally arrive to a planet called Earth... He has a million of questions in his head. One of the is... 'What is this green thing?' (Grass) Mikoto lay on the green thing(grass) while he looks at a beautiful sunset (Arrived at evening)  

(Mikoto already disguise himself. He used a power sphere name Disguisebot. Well, Disguisebot is a rare power sphere. If someone use it, it will turn the someone in a whole new person. Disguisebot will only keep 1% of someone beauty when they're in disguise mode. And someone who use it can cancel anytime they want.)

 "What a beautiful view! It's the first time I see this kind of thing! I'm actually bored of the view in the galaxy. Always, stars, stars aaaand stars!" told him while pouting 

 "Humans are so lucky to have this beautiful view! I wish I can see this forever. By the way... What does humans call this kind of thing?" ask him


 "Who's there!?" shout him (Mikoto) and then stand up to look who is it

 'Weird...! Why do I can't feel this person presence!!?' thought him (Mikoto)

 "Haha, I'm sorry for making you shocked. I'm not a bad guy." Said the unknown person

 'It seems that guy isn't lying...  But I have to be cautious! Wait... Mikoto!! You're already strong enough! So, if that guy wants to do something... You can easily beat him up!' Thought him

 'What is this little guy doing here? Is he lost? This is a very high mountain that only some of the people can climb it... ' Thought the unknown person.

And then... An Awkward moment is literally going on until the guy spoke up

 "Are you lost kiddo? Where is your house?" Ask him

 "House?" Ask Mikoto "What's a house?"

 "You don't know what's a house!?"

 "Uhm... No...? Is that some kind of food that you huma- I mean uhh..."

 "You have very fancy clothes but- You know what? Nevermind... I'll explain to you later. Where do you live?" ask the guy

 "I... Don't have a place to live... " explain Mikoto

 'Poor him... Should I take him in? But if I don't, this kid don't have anywhere to go. I should just take him in. Besides, me and Aisyah really wanted a kid, but Aisyah can't give birth because of some reasons. And this kiddo is a very good looking. Well, if I admit it, I think he is more attractive than me;)' think the guy --wisely--

 "Oh, I forgot to ask your name. What's your name kiddo?" Ask the guy

 "Oh. Uhm... My name is Mi-..."


 "I-I mean...Uhm...  B- BOBOIBOY! Y-yeah, Boboiboy"



 "Okay. My name is Amato. Oh yeah, Boboiboy. Do you want to live with me?"

 "If you okay with it... Then, sure!" 

Without them realization, they still standing up after all that like it was nothing.

The Ran Away Prince(Boboiboy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu