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May incude M2 Scenes but ofc im gonna change stuff hehe


The lonliness was suffucating, Where are you.

It's so lonely without you two..
Where are you. Where did you go.
He took you two away.. my dearest friends.

Please come back, the loneliness is so scary and its killing me inside. Come back already

The Fire menipulator sat down on the corner cleaning his wounds, His friends taken away in a flash left alone with guilt. It was so quite without them no one to talk to, no one to have fun with. He wanted vengeance for them but after that battle he stood no chance against the guy, but he didn't want to be a chicken and surrender.

"Im gonna kill you.. Why did you take them away from me.." The only people who understands me.

He sobbed in the corner hugging himself, trying to cheer himself up with some encouraging words. but he knew its just him talking he can't do that. A boy with aquamarine eyes walked over to him and sat beside him, The fire manipulator's crimson eyes avoided contact with those aquamarine eyes.

"You don't have to be sad you have us and I promise we'll get them back, okay?

The boy looked at the boy huddled up into a crying mess just sniffling and trying to look at him and say something.

"They meant so much to me.."

Those beautiful Crimson eyes blurred out over all the tears he let out, His friends were everything. without them What is he?

"Without them I feel so.. Lost."

The ice Manipulator sighs and looks at him with worry.

"Even without them you have to be strong Blaze. Gempa is trying to keep himself together when I know even he's feeling guilty for not saving them. I'm also upset about this.. your not alone Were in this together, We'll be back together again I promise Blaze."



"Your promise.."

Ais Stared at the horrifying scene.

"Gempa! No! please please we cant do this without you..!"

Gempa looked at his fading hands and looked at the two, Ais froze seeing Gempa fade. Blaze was begging Gempa not to go.. we need to stay together.

"Sh.. Blaze it's okay you and Ais will be fine.."

"No..! shut up you cant leave we cant do this alone..! don't go don't go please.."

"Gempa.. Blaze is right we cant to this.."

"I know you can.. its for all of us.. Stay strong for me okay..?"

The earth manipulator smiled at both of them while he faded away slowly.

The boy with crimson eyes looked defeated. Their only hope gone. He tried holding back his tears when he looked at an empty field, his friends gone. Yet two of them remained, The boy with a blue cap walked to the devastated fire manipulator.

"You still have me Blaze i promise we'll get though this okay?"

"How..? how can we? Without Gempa we're hopeless..!"

"we have each other."

Ais held out his hand to Blaze, Finally those Crimson and aquamarine eyes met. Blaze's eyes was holding back tears just wanting his friends back. Ais behind those lifeless eyes hid sadness, and guilt. but we cant be sad yet.

Blink once.


a boy shouted as his voice echoed.

Those lifeless aquamarine eyes looked at him with so much guilt.

"I'm sorry Blaze.. We couldn't do it.."

The Ice manipulator let a tear fall.

"I'm sorry.."

He muttered as his body start to fade away with the wind.


everything went blank.

a field, in his mind there was a field..

everyone playing on that field, his friends. Tufan.. Duri.. Gempa.
everyone was there waving at him "come play with us!"

The boy with emerald eyes called out.

Gempa walks to Blaze,

Blaze's eyes filled with tears, fear and guilt. He looked at Gempa and he hugs him tight sobbing in his arms.

"I'm sorry Gempa! please I'm sorry..! I tried! I tried so hard.. I-I.."

Gempa stops him and cups his cheeks as he wiped tears away.

"Blaze.. I know your tired of this.. I'm sorry we aren't there.. Blaze you can give up we won't pressure you into saving us all.. maybe we can rest in paradise here.. no more hurting.. and no ones gonna take us away anymore.."

Blaze chocked on a sob as he thought of something to say, "Gempa.. I-I.. I'm tired.."


"Rest Blaze, Let's just be happy together here.."


In a blink of an eye he's back in the real world.

He's the only one there, Rekta'ka Walks who him as he used Ais' power.

"Poor kid, All alone and no one to help"

Blaze just fell to his knees, as he was ready to accept his fate aswell.

"Please just get it over with.. it hurts.. I'm tired.."

he pleaded as he sobbed.


Blaze slowly opens his eyes by a blinding light, he looks around and saw his Friends came to hug him.

"Blaze your here!" Tufan smiled as he hugged blaze

Blaze smiled as he hugged back, he looked around to see them, They were free.

"we're never gonna be taken away from you Blaze"

"we'll always be together, We promise"

a lovely field, they sat and watched the sunset. Finally no more hurting, They can rest and Be free.

"we didn't lose did we Gempa..?"

"no We didn't Blaze.."

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