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 have a request if you're still taking them. Reader and Natasha have been together for a few months and they're both very happy with the relationship. There's just one thing Natasha doesn't understand. Reader only calls her Natasha, Nat or Tasha. Meanwhile Reader calls their pet every sweet name under the sun. Natasha doesn't want to admit to being jealous of an animal but Reader even calls them My Love and Love of my life. So Natasha might be a little jealous. She wants sweet names too! Then there's poor reader just thinking Natasha hates those kinds of nicknames cause they overheard her telling Wanda something like that before they got together. So they just avoided calling Nat anything but her name.

The first time it happened it was a month into your relationship. Natasha had been sitting on her bed, cozy and cuddled up as she read a book, impatiently waiting for your return from your mission.

Finally she hears the door to her room open, "Baby!"

Her heart soars and she smiles, but when she puts her book down and turns her head to greet you her reply dies in her throat. You hadn't been talking to her, you'd been talking to Liho, who was now curling herself affectionately around your ankle as you rubbed her back.

"So adorable, aren't you?" you coo and she meows in reply

She clears her throat and your gaze finally lands on her, "Hey Tasha!"

"Hey Y/n." she greets with a grin, "I missed you"

"I missed you too" you reply before heading to get changed out of your gear

She swallows her disappointment. After all it's only been a month, the cute pet names would come at some point.


The next time it happens is on a calm laid back day. The two of you had been cuddling nearly all day, just enjoying each other's company. As you got up to shower she tried calling you detka(baby) for the first time, and was absolutely delighted by your response to it.

You came back into the room and quickly got back into bed, cuddling into her, "Hi honey"

She smiles before she watches you reach your arm out, your hand running through soft black fur. She glares at the cat sitting in her lap. She knows it's not Lihos fault, but how dare she soak up the loving and cute names that you for some reason refuse to bestow upon her. She huffs in annoyance.

"Everything ok, Nat?" you innocently ask

"Yeah, I'm ok detka(baby)." she replies, not wanting to trouble you with such a small trivial thing.

She's sure it'll pass. Eventually you'll start using nicknames for her like she does with you, it's only natural to do so in relationships after all.


Natasha has had a very long day. The recruits she was sent to deal with in Clints place had listened to instructions about as well as a brick wall. They'd been about as capable as a brick wall too. If she had a dollar for every time she had to correct ones stance or reprimand them for their behavior, she would never have to worry about Yelena leaving her with the bill on a coffee date for at least two months.

She runs a frustrated hand through her tangled hair to relieve some of the tension of her stress headache. And she tries her best to relax her shoulders before she walks into the bedroom.

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