WandaNat (Alternate Ending)

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You're awakened the same way you had been for the past five years, by your surviving girlfriends sobs. Hopefully this would be the last night she suffered like this. You quickly sit up and pull her into you, her shaking arms wrap around you to help ground her.

"It's ok baby. It was just a nightmare, I'm here" you whisper as she tucks her face into your neck

Ever since the snap and witnessing Wanda disintegrate in your arms the Russian was petrified of losing you too. She had nightmares every night of you also disintegrating, leaving her completely alone. Yelena and Wanda were gone, and after losing his family Clint practically was too. You were all she had left, her lover and her rock. Her heart and mind simply couldn't handle that fear.

She sniffles and you can feel her warm tears against her shoulder, "I have to relive watching our lyubovʹ(love) get dusted only to watch the same happen to you. Over and over again."

"I know. They always feel so terribly real."

Her brows furrow as she looks at you, "You have nightmares about it too?" A stupid question she knows, I mean why wouldn't you. You'd seen the same events she had, you were the one holding Wanda. But in all these years you'd never said anything to her about them so stupidly she assumed that you were spared the heartbreak and fear.

You nod, "I do"

Her brows furrowed further, "Why did you never tell me detka(baby)?"

"Mine aren't as bad as yours" you shug not wanting to admit to how your survivors guilt usually had your friends and lovers dead bodies blaming you and you were worried that she would agree, "They aren't as frequent"

"That doesn't mean they don't matter. You're struggling too, you should have told me so I could help you. Be there for you, like you are for me."

"I didn't want to add to your worries or stress." you explain, "You mourn for Yelena and Wanda, you lead the remaining Avengers, you have nightmares every night, you look for hope everyday. I couldn't add to that."

She shakes her head, "I'm your girlfriend, I'm supposed to take care of you. I'm supposed to help you through things. Please don't hide from me."

You sigh, "You're right, I should have said something. I'm sorry."

Her eyes search yours, "It's ok detka(baby). Just no more secrets ok? Isn't that what you told me when we first got together."

You smile at the memory. Sometimes, with everything that's happened it felt like decades ago instead of only eight years. Then your heart sinks, and your expression matches your grief. How had the two of you only had Wanda for a mere three years. It wasn't fair.

"Y/n?" Nat cautiously calls, obviously sensing the change in the atmosphere

"I miss her" you answer, tears dripping down your face

"I do too. So much." She releases a shaky sigh, "But thanks to Scott and Tony today things might change"

You nod, "I hope so."

She snuggles into your hold once more, "We'll get her back. We just have to"


Hours later the team had assembled and the time had finally come. You were all going to get the stones back, and the ones you'd all lost. Time to reverse the snap. Time to bring everyone back.

Natasha walked beside you, hand in yours as you and all the other heroes approached the large pad in the center of the room. She sent you a loving glance and a smile as Steve went over everyone's roles one last time. She was to accompany Rhodey and Nebula to Morag in 2014, while you and Clint were to go to Vormir in 2014. While you were each excited to see space neither of you could deny the lump of anxiety and worry for the other you each had in your chests.

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