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Jimin's pov


The bus stopped on Protea Street and oh my God-

* oh my God( oh god), she took me to the skyyyyy~* okay I'm sorry- :/

Jimin hopped out of the bus then look at the small paper, given by Namjoon which it was Taehyung and Jungook's addressee. He is so amazed by this beautiful, neat and quite neighborhood.

It looks so peaceful and the houses around here are insane, also massive mansions. He blink his eys realizing the soft air getting in his eyes, making them teary so he starts to  walk .

After 5 minutes, Jimin look at the address and found a house of Taehyung and Jungook. He blink his eyes seeing how nice and beautiful the mansion is - not colorful but very nice.

He walk closer standing at the gate and suddenly it opened slowly and that's when his heart started beating fast. This is it. He walk inside, the gate closes its self- he then walk to the wooden dark brown door.

He knock three times softly with his shaky hand.

Oh, he started to feel like he could just dissappear hearing the door sound clicking then it opens-

" Jimin!"


Jimin's pov

My eyes are widen as me and Jungook stare at each other, looking in the eyes as he was also shocked to see me here. He looks ethereal as always, but even worse now. His raven messy hair was damped, wearing black comfy tracksuits  ad he looked so cute.

I gasp as he pull him in a tight hug- squeezing me so tight.

I close  my eyes loving this feeling, of his warm toned chest. I hug his torso also, trying to not break down. I didn't want to let him go, no. When was the last time I felt Jungook's hug? God- it's been a while. A while.

We softly pull away and I was sad with that . We both look at each other then he cupped both my cheeks , smiling very happily. He was so happy, so happy that I also felt happy to see him this happy.

He is happy to see me. Wow- the butterflies in my stomach and busy roaming and roaming- and I feel how flushed my face is.

" let's get inside " he grab my hand ,gripping on it  as I also gripped on his large one, as we walk in the pretty mansion.

The house is very chilled, smells very good- the sound that can be heard was a TV sound. And I assume that- oh fuck- Jungook is taking me there. We both walk in and my heart beat more faster as I see Taehyung on the black leather couch, his hair dyed in ..... red.

" Jungook, yo-" His words stuck as he look up at us. God- why do they look this different? They are glowing as fuck- unlike me getting uglier each  day.

" Jungook " Taehyung calls again standing up with a shocked face.

" Baby, sit. sit down, just sit " Jungook said to him but in a soft but stern tone. Taehyung's eyes were only stuck on me and I couldn't look at him so I looked down, feeling my anxiety creeping up.

" you may sit Jimin " Jungook say letting go of my hand and I felt cold but nonetheless , I say dwon clutching on ny side bag-


Author's pov

Jimin doenst know where to start, honey he doenst know. But he knew that he didn't come here to look like a crazy bitch- so he had to  speak them.

He release a breath then look up and see both of them looking at him. But Taehyung's eyes showed so much anger- and they were so teary. That look made Jimin's heart ache . He gulped thickly-

" I know- I know that I'm the last person you guys didn't want to see" he start fiddling with his fingers. Jungook knows the younger is nervous because he does that to ease the nervousness.

" but I also want you guys to know how I actually feel about you" he glance at Taehyung to see tears on his cheeks.

" the reason why I don't like your relationship-"

" jelouse " Taehyung cut him.

" Taehyung " Jungook says sternly looking at him. Taehyung look at Jungook then keep quite wiping his tears away- but feel better as Jungook garb his hand rubbing it .

God- it made jimin's stomach sick.

" Its fine Tae, you have a right to call it anything. But yeah- I will feel jelouse because I'm the person who made us- made us be where we are today "

" I'm the one that made both of you get along while you hated ecah other so bad- but I got you two to get along. Years- years you guys got comfortable with each other. Three of us- always ❤, sleep together- we were three but one " Jimin lick his dry lips then shake his head.

" I'm sorry guys- I- - I am v-very sorry tha-that I have fe-feelings for you for years no-now" Jungook widen his teary eyes as he look at how Jimin is sobbing really hard- same goes to Taehyung.

God- it hurts him so bad.

" your relationship- your relationship- I'm sorry but the moment you said you guys are together... I felt numb and ... broken an- and- and sad- aghh- I felt like I was dying   " Jimin explain with a chuckle. He look at both of them.

" I'm a very selfish and bad person- just like Jin said. "

" Jimin-"

" Yes kookie." Jungook gulped harshly as he tries going to Jimin and hold his hand.

" I'm very happy that you are able to share what was hurting and im- I'm very sorry that we made you feel that way- we made you feel left out- I'm truly truly sorry baby" The nickname made jimin's small tighten the grip on their hands.

" Never felt left out again- because we promise, I promise to never make you feel like that because..... I love you too Jimin"


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