Cherry Champagne

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Soobin leaned his head against the car window. Absentmindedly watching cars pass by he let out a sigh. He knew this day was going to come sooner than later, he just thought it would be later. Joon, his secretary, was driving them to the engagement dinner to meet the woman he was to spend the rest of his life with. Soobin couldn't help but scoff at the idea. Flashes of his childhood came into mind as he thought about his own parent's marriage.

His mother was always an insufferable flirt and his father didn't make it easier by acting as if she didn't exist half of the time. Observing his own parent's love life as he grew up, Soobin can't help but admit that to him love, let alone a marriage based on love, was not something he believed in. With that mindset, he wasn't too averse to going ahead with his fathers plans, this was all just a business transaction at the end of the day anyway. This all didn't keep him from wondering what type of woman his soon to be wife would be, he didn't have high hopes though.

He knew for sure that she would come from the upper class, with his father never being one to make an investment that didn't give back abundant returns. From his observation throughout his life, yes the women in the upper class were beautiful. When you are blessed from birth with good food, doctors at the ready, and the ability to have anything and everything you tend to also look blessed in the looks department. But, what usually was lacking due to the abundance of the physical was the personality. This didn't apply to everyone but definitely to most of the people he has been able to see true sides to.

"What was her name?" Soobin asked Joon. He had heard about his engagment this morning from his father and nothing else.

"Malaika Romano, sir." Jun promptly replied.

"Is she not Korean?" Soobin sat up straight.

"No sir, she is from Côte d'Ivoire."

"Father must be getting an amazing deal from this then."

It didn't take much longer for them to arrive at the hotel where they were having their engagement meeting. When Soobin stepped into the room he was greeted by his mother who stood up to embrace him. She was dressed beautifully in her Chanel skirt and blouse set. She had done her hair up and was wearing makeup on the lighter side contrasted by a bright red lip. "You look beautiful tonight mother."

His father was in the corner of the room, arm crossed as he spoke on the phone. He gave a simple nod of greeting to his son before returning his attention back to his phone call.

"How long has he been on the phone for?" Soobin asked his mother as he pushed in her chair for her, taking a seat where he could be between the two of them.

"You know your father, never leaves work." His mother rolled her eyes "He's been on that darn phone since he got off work." Soobin gave his mother a small smile. He knew how much of a workaholic his father was. There weren't many memories of his younger years where his father didn't have his work in front of him, a phone to his ear, or just wasn't there at all.

"Did you know about this engagement mother?"

His mother shrugged, "he mentioned it in passing last week, don't tell me he hasn't told you anything?" his mother gasped.

"I heard of it this morning."

His mom sent a sharp glare towards her husband, cursing him under her breath. "I swear he doesn't  think about anyone but himself. That work muddle headed old man." His father looked up from his phone, feeling the negative energy that was being directed towards him. He pursed his lips and mouthed 'what' before returning his attention on his phone call.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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