Chapter 3

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"How is she?". Lucy asked.

"She's better now, she had heat exhaustion". The doctor replied sympathetically.

"Ok".Lucy said trying to not rage from what the manager put her through.

Just on cue, the manager walked through the door.

As soon as Lucy saw his face all she wanted to do was punch it.

"How are you holding up Keira?".He asked with a grin.

"Better thanks". Keira replied not making eye contact with him.

"Will she be ready for tomorrow's game?". He asked the doctor.

Is he fucking serious, Lucy thought.

"No, I think she needs to rest for a few days". The doctor replied.

"Ok" He replied then looked over to Lucy.

"What are you going here?". He said passive-aggressively.

"Umm, I just hurt my fist I was just going to check if it was ok". Lucy replied showing her knuckles.

"Hm ok". He replied almost as if he didn't believe her.

"See you later". He said then walked out.

"What happened to your hand?". Keira asked worriedly.

"Oh, someone caught it when I went in for a tackle", She lied trying to avoid eye contact.

"Let me see it". Keira said holding out a hand.

Lucy walked closer to her and couldn't help but look her in the eyes. They were so tired and full of pain.

Keira held Lucy's hand and slowly unwrapped her bandages. It hurt so much but she had to stay strong and not act as if it affected her as she was the one who caused it.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, I can't believe he made you run for longer in this heat". Lucy said trying to get the attention off her.

"Lucy, this looks bad".Keira said worried looking at her.

"It's fine, it will heal soon".Lucy replied faking a smile.

The doctor then walked over and looked at it.

"I think you may have fractured a bone".She said.

"Oh", Lucy replied looking at her bruised and bloody hand.

"Are you sure it was because of a tackle?".The doctor asked.

"Yes", Lucy replied avoiding eye contact.

Keira could tell she was lying.

"Okay then, let's get it sorted out".

-An hour later-

Lucy grabbed her things and got ready to go back to the hotel.

She walked out with her cast in her hand and realised Keira wasn't there anymore.

"Everyone went back to the hotel, there's a taxi here for you". One of the assistants said.

"Okay". Lucy smiled and walked towards the exit. It was now raining outside.

In the taxi, Lucy looked at her phone to see if there were any messages she missed, but there were none.

She lost signal so she decided to look at her camera roll. She realised she has no pictures of her and Keira together.

The taxi then came to a sudden stop, they were already outside the hotel.

She thanked the driver and quickly ran inside trying not to get too wet.

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