Chapter 4 -Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, twins both left and right!-

Start from the beginning

   Confusion struck me, that's the second time I've been called that! "My names Steve...not Alice...but yeah, I asked you who the Hatter was?" His face turned red in what I assumed was embarrassment from the look on his face. "Ah sorry about that. The Hatter is a friend of mine, he likes to host tea parties you see. And he has invited me to one, though he asks for me to grab the tweedle I suppose he wasn't able to reach them himself, oh well." That was a lot of information... I can't tell if I'm confused or curious anymore, maybe both.

-Third P.O.V.-

   A slight realization hit the rabbit. "Ah you don't know about them either, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are twins, sometimes we just call them Dee and Dum. They are very nice, quite funny too, I think you'd like them!" Steve simply nodded as he reeled in the new info. The Pat lookalike asked the blue suited brunette if he was hungry, at the mention of food Steve's stomach growled. "Well I guess I haven't really eaten anything today" he chuckled a bit as a red shade of embarrassment flushed over his face.

   After they both had a decent share of food, the half rabbit asked the rosy cheeked male if he'd like to accompany him to the tea party. "Oh I wouldn't want to intrude, I wasn't invited after all." The rabbit smiled "You don't need an invitation, the Hatter has always been welcoming with new guests, how do you think he met me? I just accidentally stumbled into his garden while trying to get to work, well... let's just say I never went to work that day." Steve listened with interest as Pat told the story. "The amount of people that come to his tea parties has grown since he started inviting me, somehow when people get lost they always end up at Hatter's place. I've always wondered how it happens like that."

   The rabbit stood up from his chair, adjusting his glasses and checking his pocket watch

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   The rabbit stood up from his chair, adjusting his glasses and checking his pocket watch. The ticking sound that came from it was faint. "Well let's head out shall we? We need to go early so we have time to find the twins." "Oh before we go you wouldn't happen to have anything I could use to draw for a bit would you? I had wanted to draw some of this world so I can show it to my friends when I go home." The white rabbit thought for a second, he was able to remember an old notebook he had that he never used. "Here you are! Hope that'll do, it's an old unbirthday present I got a while back. You can keep it if you like." The brunette took the small writing book with a smile on his face, till it was overcome with confusion. "Wait what's an unb-" He got interrupted with a 'not now' and a 'you'll see later' from the rabbit.

   Now walking through the woods, the rabbit and the red eyed male were searching for the twins. With book and pencil in a side bag that was given to him as well, the brunette listened for if anyone else was near while Pat called out for the two "Dee? Dum? The Hatter is hosting a tea party, he couldn't reach you with a letter so he asked me to fetch you!" After going around a bit the two searchers who still couldn't find anything sat down at a fallen log.

   "Oh dear, those twins could be anywhere..." both were exhausted, according to the rabbit they had been searching for over two hours. Now that they were taking a break Steve was able to take out his book and draw a bit, it turned to be a messy sketch of a few of the things he's seen. The rabbit looked over the brunette's shoulder to look at the drawings. "That looks good, do you draw a lot?" Steve shook his head. "I've never really drawn before actually." "Well your pretty good at it, you should draw more often."

   There was a rustling in the bushes behind them, followed by what sounded like a clown horn. The noise made white rabbit's ear twitch. "Dee? Dum? I heard you." He turned around whilst still sitting, Steve followed the movements. "Awe I told you he'd hear you Dum Dum!" There was another honk "Ow, Hey you know what Hatter said about hitting Dee!" Out of the bushes came two bears, their bodies structure resembled that of humans. Every time they hit one another a honking sound came from their bodies. "Hey! Stop fighting you two, the Hatter wants us at his next tea party and we simply can't be late!" The two bears stood up straight next to each other. "Yes sir!" Steve walked up behind the rabbit. "Steve, these a two are the tweedle twins. The black bear on the right is Dum, the white bear on the left is Dee. Some also call them Lefty and Righty." He leaned close to the Alice. "They call them that because Dum is always to the left of Dee, and Dee is always to the right of Dum."

   Standing up straight again Pat spoke once more. "Dee, Dum, this is Steve, he's not from here but he will be joining us at the tea party." The twins looked upon the light blue suited individual, large smiles formed on their faces. They both quite literally bounced forward to stand in front of the Alice, each taking one of his hands to shake. "Nice to meet you Alice!" They spoke in unison, though what they called him confused him once again. 'The white rabbit just told them my name, why is everyone calling me Alice?!'

   Once the two backed off a bit Steve spoke. "It's nice to meet you guys too, but my name is Steve, not Alice..." they seemed to ignore the last bit. "Well c'mon, we don't want to be late now do we?" White rabbit started leading the small group to the Hatter's home, they were unaware that they were being watched. "So there's an Alice here...Wonderland hasn't seen one in years." The smile on its face was uncomfortably wide and its teeth far too sharp. "How thrilling...looks like that old scroll wasn't a lie after all...judgment day is coming, and the fate of this world will fall to one...let's see if this Alice can handle what lies ahead..." it disappeared into thin air, no trace it was even there, except a single tuff of white fur.

-I wonder who that was? Only time will tell of the sickly grin I suppose...-

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