"Nothing, you dirty minded bitch."

Miko laughs quietly, rubbing her forehead. I turned back around, facing the history teacher. This being my favorite subject, Greek History/ Myths.

We learned that the gods adjusted over time to the country's needs and wants. An example of Aphrodite being a war goddess to a goddess of love/sex. Miko kept pestering me with questions about Prime and I on a physical account. I was ignoring her as best as I could, but my face was as red as a human can get it.

"Come on Rachael, give me details."

"Miko, I have had about enough of your small interruptions with Rachael, you will stay after school in detention."

Miko's eyes widened, looking at me to bail her out. Ha! Nah bitch you got yourself in this mess. I stayed silent, Miko starting to pout. Folding her arms in her chair.

Another morning of school passes, and the four of us gather for lunch yet again. Though Miko completely ignored me. Jack and Raf look between us.

"So what happened?" Raf asked, poor boy.

"I got detention and Rachael didn't help get me out."

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Miko over here, was asking intimate questions about Optimus and I. And the teacher had enough of it and gave her detention. And I did not say anything to stop the teacher." I explained.

Jack just gave her the mom. Are you kidding me?

"Sorry Miko, you brought that on yourself."

"We'll be sorry. I have a best friend who is from another planet, and is dating said Jesus from said planet. Sorry if I wanted details."

I started choking on chocolate milk from her sentence, Optimus being space Jesus. Not gonna lie, was pretty fucking funny.

"Miko you were basically asking if Optimus and I have had sex."

Jack and Raf froze up and got immediately uncomfortable, Miko again returned to pouting. Lunch was left in silence. I went to gym class dreading all the rumors and shit that may have happened since last class. Though nothing happened as I changed. It was until I tried leaving the locker room that shit started going down. New part time antagonist everyone. Megan and her cult followers.

I shut the locker and looked at all of them.

"What is it that you want?" I asked, totally done with shit after Miko.

"So what's the deal with your guys riding to school?" Megan questioned

"Close friends." I answered simply.

"And your "friend." Megan did air quotes

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"He is my boyfriend."

"He is a pretty one, not from Jasper clearly. Where did you meet?"


"None of your fucking business." I shut my gym locker and left.

After the whole class, an indoor kickball game. I wasn't the last one left exhausted and dying for air after. I could feel Megan's eyes on me from wherever she was.

The rest of the day came and went, yet again. Meeting the bots outside, Optimus looking so god damn pretty.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, taking his hand.

"Fine, after some rest. Thank you for asking." Placing a hand on my cheek, kissing my forehead.

Nope I refuse to look at the others, oh wait! I quickly looked to Bulk my face still burning.

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