Panic pt7

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*time jump*
The week went by slowly and was extremely boring, it consisted of going to class, sitting with the cheerleaders at lunch, more classes, hoping for a conversation with Eddie which never came. You were beginning to loose hope, beginning to think that what could've been a great friendship actually ended up being you, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or where you in the right place at the right time?.

At least it was finally Friday. It was time to go home so you went to your locker, put your books in and took out some notes when you noticed a rolling paper which was weird since you've never bought them. You grabbed it and were about to scrunch it up but there was writing on it 'I believe you' you knew who this was from, the relief you felt from those three words was great, it was like the built up stress from waiting for Eddie to come around disappeared immediately, you were grateful to have heard from him even if it was the bare minimum it still meant a lot.

You smiled at the rolling paper and slipped it into your pocket, you moved your eyes around the busy hallway but didn't see Eddie. You decided it was best to go home and to let Eddie come to you first. You walked out of the school building, you heard a familiar voice and stopped walking. Jason. "I almost got kicked off of the basketball team because of you" Jason said, you decided to try and listen in on his conversation it appeared to be coming from the right side of the building. "Are you expecting me to feel bad for you orrr" Eddie commented back, EDDIE? And JASON? oh no you didn't know what to do, are you supposed to try and step in before it gets out of hand or just stand around?.

You gained up the courage to peak around the corner. Eddie was stood with his back against the wall and a cigarette between his lips, Jason,Patrick and Andy were blocking him with one of the players at the left of him one at the right and Jason in front of him. "Coach has gave me one more chance and I'm off the team, I actually have a future unlike you, you hopeless druggy freak" Jason said angrily "telling me things I already know guess what, I don't care" Eddie said back smirking and taking a puff of his cigarette "you have some nerve Munson, and y'know what, nobody can see us here, if I was to do anything it would be our word against yours, 3 against 1" Jason stated.

Oh no! You thought what the hell do I do? There gonna beat him up! Shit. Eddie snickered "3 against 1, not very fair is it, you scared that I could beat you in a fight is that why you need these two to help you?" Eddie said pointing between Patrick and Andy. The only thing you could think to do was make a noise, you searched the ground with your eyes fast, you saw a large rock. Perfect you thought. You picked it up and threw it as far as you could past the boys "your dead Munson" Jason raised his fist and then BOOM the rock did just the job it made a loud enough noise to throw the boys off "we're not done with you" Jason said to Eddie, the boys walked behind the school making sure nobody was there once they were out of your sight you ran towards Eddie without saying a word, grabbing his wrist and pulling him with you to the car park. "Y/n what are you doing?" Eddie questioned "you serious? I just saved you from being beaten up by three dumb boys" you said to Eddie, "right, thanks" Eddie said "I guess, I didn't think you cared about me that much" Eddie said slightly laughing, "well I'm not gonna stand back and watch you get beat up" you said slightly laughing yourself.

"Okay what do we do? Where do we go? Jason and the other two are gonna come back any minute" you asked Eddie "you see that shitty little van thing over there?" Eddie said pointing to a vehicle in the parking lot "yes?" You said back "well it's mine so we can get in if you want, I can drop you off" Eddie explained "oh okay sure thanks" you said flashing a smile at Eddie which he returned back.

You both walked to his van and got in. "It smells like weed in here" you said "yeah it's my main smoking spot, don't complain" he said with a smirk "I'm not complaining" you said making a surrendering motion with your hands. Eddie started the vehicle and started driving you looked out of the side view mirror and saw Jason, Patrick and Andy looking around. Ha! You thought, idiots.

"So where do you live?" Eddie asked "oh I live on Cornwallis" you said back "Henderson lives there d'you know him?" He asked "I know of him but I don't personally know him, I've seen him on my street, seen him at school but that's it, I've had one small conversation with him and he seems nice" you explained "what did you talk about?" Eddie asked "uhhh you" you answered "me?" He said confused "yeah it was after that fight in the cafeteria, I wanted to know if he knew where you were, first I asked this guy he had one of them shirts on" you said pointing to Eddies hellfire shirt "he had short curly hair I've forgot his name, but he was kinda mean, dustin was really nice though" you explained to Eddie "ohh that's Gareth" he said "so you were looking for me? I thought you just stumbled across me" Eddie said "yeah I wanted to see if you were okay, I mean Jason and his friends were, horrible" you said "yeah I guess" Eddie said chuckling slightly.

You were about 10 minutes away from home now you decided to ask Eddie about the hellfire shirts. "So what are the matching shirts about?" You asked "don't say matching shirts that's cheesy, and the shirts are" he paused "it don't matter". "Tell meee I'm curious" you said eager to know "no" he bluntly said "come on pleaseee" you begged "still no" he said again "please please please I will keep bugging you until you tell me" you exclaimed "pleeee-"fine!" He finally gave in "just prepare to be cringed out, it's a club where we stay after school and play a game called D&D, we call it the hellfire club" he said, his checks were kinda rosey as he stared at the road, was he embarrassed?. "Oh that sounds cool so is it a board game?" You asked, Eddie looked at you, seemed kinda shocked that you thought it was cool "y-yeah it's a board game, you think it sounds cool?" He said, brows raised and chuckling "yeah why?" You asked Eddie "didn't think a popular girl like you would think that was a cool thing" he chuckled "well I do think is cool, and I'm not going to judge someone for something they like" you stated "why thank you" Eddie said with a snicker "oh this is me!" You said pointing at your house, Eddie stopped the car and asked a question "who d'you sit with at lunch ?" "Oh I sit with the other cheerleaders but  they're only nice when they're not gossiping about me to others they do it a lot, constantly gossip about each other and pretend it didn't happen and they've been really judgy towards me ever since I broke up with Jason" you said "oh that sucks, well do you think you'd ever want to sit with me and the guys?" He asked "maybe I just don't think they'd like me" you said "they'll warm up to you" he said back "I hope so, Henderson was nice to me so I guess that's a positive" you said, "yeah, well see you Monday?" Eddie said "yeah see you Monday" you said getting out of the car "nice house" Eddie said "why thankyou" you said back bowing, Eddie chuckled lightly, you shut the car door and waved to Eddie he smiled and honcked his horn twice before driving away.

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