Panic pt2

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Somebody broke the silence it was Eddie. He stood on his table and spoke.
"Okay okay everyone get back to whatever conversations you were having, Jason man leave her alone"
Many people still stayed looking, intrigued at the conversation.
Jason grew angry at his comment "keep your nose out freak, do you like her or something?"
Eddie rolled his eyes "it's pretty hard to keep my nose out when your shouting loudly in I don't know if you've noticed, a room full of people" Eddie remained calm and gestured his hands to the people sat in the cafeteria "and no I don't have a crush on y/n I just know how to treat a lady with respect" the brunette boy stated and looked at you. This made you feel seen and you gave Eddie a small smile however, Jason very clearly didn't like the metalheads remark so he got up from his seat looking at Eddie who was still stood on the table "so you think I don't treat her with respect now" he snapped back then Eddie spoke once again "wellll it definitely doesn't seem like it, I mean you have just shouted at her and called her" Eddie made quotation marks with his hands "a silly girl, which doesn't seem like respect to me"

The hellfire club were watching the argument that was unfolding, they would give each other glances as if to say 'what do we do'. That's when one of the members spoke it was Dustin and it was more like a whisper to Eddie "Eddie this is all great, but stop before something happens" Eddie looked at him and smirked then turned back to Jason and then you noticed dustin roll his eyes muttering "oh my god".

Jason walked closer to Eddie and when the metal head noticed this he too walked closer nearing the end of the table. Jason spoke stern, and clear "what I say or do is none of your business. Freak"
"Maybe that's true but I know your not supposed to speak to your girlfriend like that" Eddie said, and he jumped off of the end of the table Jason walked closer, the two boys now inches apart Jason was about four inches smaller than Eddie which made it look as if Eddie was towering over him.
"You wanna know what I know Munson?" Jason challenged "I know that you are a freak, drug dealer who has nothing better to do than get in other peoples business, you're a failure who will never graduate I won't be surprised if you're still at Hawkins high by the age of 30 repeating the same year over and over again, your a waste of space Munson" Jason spoke in the most vile way it physically made you feel sick that's when you decided to step in.

"Jason what the hell" you quickly said standing up from your seat, angered by what he had just spat at Eddie "how can you say things like that. You are absolutely vile" you said, Jason shouted back "STAY OUT OF THIS Y/N I will deal with you later!" This scared you and quickly stopped you from speaking as you didn't know what was going to happen later, you had clearly offended Jason and therefore you decided to stay quiet ignoring every urge you had to scream at Jason.

You noticed Eddies fists starting to ball up and his jaw was clenching as he glared at Jason, one of the basket ballers also noticed this and said "yo Jason I think Munson wants to hit you" he and the other players laughed.
Jason spoke again "do you want to hit me Munson" he mocked, Eddie stayed quiet with his glare still on Jason "ohhhh I see you're not going to hit me, but I think you might cry instead like a little bitch" Jason's team laughed once again, the hellfire club looked very unhinged by Jason, you felt terrible and didn't know what to do. Then once again the same bothersome voice spoke "y'know what Munson there's no hope for you, you're gonna turn out just like your dad" Eddie was breathing heavy, he walked away only about three steps before stopping then Jason said "go on carry on walking away" then Munson spoke "I'm not walking away I'm making some space" Then Jason said confused but still smirking "space for what Munson?" Eddie answered turning to Jason "for this" Eddie swung a punch at Jason's cheek Jason stumbled, you gasped, people were standing on tables to get a better view the hellfire club all stood up, the basketball team crowded egging it on, Jason then looked at Eddie and swung a punch at his head and from then on they were both punching each other, you noticed between punches Eddie looked zoned out but then he'd snap out of it and continue to fight, you felt terrible for Eddie you decided to try stop the fight you shoved through the crowd that quickly formed around the two boys

"Jason stop it!!!" You shouted "stop!!" "Stop oh my god, oh my god" you tried your best to pull Jason away but he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you to the floor, while Jason was distracted by you for a moment Eddie managed to get him to the floor he was on top of Jason throwing punches after punches "stop it!" you shouted overwhelmed "Eddie" "Eddie that's enough" "stop your gonna kill him" the hellfire club shouted.

The basketball team intervened two of them pulled Eddie off of Jason and one was grabbing each of his shoulders then another from the team started throwing punches at Eddies stomach "STOP!!" " can someone do something!??!!" You shouted, but nobody listened, then Jason stumbled back up off of the floor, he shoved his team member off of Eddie and punched Eddie square in the nose Eddies head hung, the two team members which were previously holding him by the shoulders dropped him as he fell to the floor the crowd slowly dissolved as people went back to their seats, the hellfire club rushed to Eddie he groaned holding his nose and stomach in pain as he laid in a fetal position, they all got him back on his feet and he shook them off "get off me" he spat at them "get off" they all obeyed, Eddie put both of his hands on a table trying to catch his breath Jason was stood watching, laughing.

You had enough you had finally reached your limit "Jason!" You stormed over to him "look who it is" he annoyedly spoke "what the hell was that why would you do that!" You shouted "your not even gonna ask me if I'm okay?" He chuckled "no Jason I'm not, I've had enough" "this" you pointed your finger between you and Jason "this is over, We are over" you spoke clearly to him you saw Eddie leave the hall from the corner of your eye he slumped his body into the door to open it, you looked back at Jason "I never wanna see or speak to you again you cruel little boy" you decided to use the same belittling phrase he'd use on you against him, Jason looked shocked by this, you slung your bag over your shoulder and walked out of the hall. You needed to find Eddie.

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