Chapter 17 - School Trip

Start from the beginning

"I hope so," Clarissa whispered. "I really hope so."

I reached out my hand. Clarissa looked at my outstretched hand, smiled sadly, and placed their hand on top of mine. Their hand was warm.

There was a hushed silence as the minibus drove through the town, up the mountain side and around the mountain road. The sun was shining brightly, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

I could feel my heartbeat's pace quickening, and Clarissa ended up gripping my hand so tightly I felt like the blood circulation was being cut off.

"Three... Two... One..."

I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for a loud bang, or a crash...

"Tsuki-san..." Riku whispered to my left.

I hesitantly opened one eye, to find the minibus still driving.

"We... We made it..." Clarissa gasped. Then they smiled the biggest smile ever seen. "We made it!"

The minibus burst into a huge cheer. We applauded, and Yemon passed around his sweets in celebration. I picked out a sweet with an orange wrapper, Riku got yellow, Charisse got green, and Akira got pink. Yuki whipped out her playing cards and was playing a heated game of Happy Families with Cho, Ran, and Hirohito. Makoto continued to read his book and Yasuo produced his walkman, whilst Jiro was mumbling contently about the power of prayer and meditation. Meanwhile, Ai was taking a nap at the front of the bus. 

I was so relieved. We were out of Yomiyama. The calamity couldn't get near us whilst we were out of town. For one day, we were all safe.


The museum was a castle made out of dark stone, had large tinted windows; a modern feature, and was guarded by a tall spiralled gate, and there was a huge driveway circling a white marble fountain. Grassed areas around the front were bordered by flower beds, and trees at either side of the building.

We all made our way off the minibus. Ai still looked a little pale, but promised that she felt much better now that she was out of the vehicle.

There was a man and a woman waiting for us by the main entrance, both wearing black suits. The woman also had her hair in a tight bun, and the man had no hair at all.

"Good morning!" The man greeted us.

Chibiki-Sensei nodded. "Good morning. Thank you for arranging this school field day."

"And thank YOU for coming!" The man beamed.

The woman addressed us students. "This is the museum inspired by the western castles and Royal families. Our artifacts and displayed items are genuine. We ask that you do not touch the things on display, but you are more than welcome to go to the giftshop at the end of the tour. We will also have a lunch break, and we will sit outside if the weather permits."

We were all lead into the next room, and I immediately felt like I had travelled back in time, halfway across the world. I remember pictures that my father used to show me of old fashioned western ways of living. I would have given anything for my father to have been with me.

The walls were golden, and there were red rugs laced with golden swirls and lining, which matched so well with the large golden pots and ornaments all around the room. The long wooden table was banqueted with fake plastic food (which probably weren't genuine artifacts), on the chairs mannequins were seated dressed as a Royal family, as well as some mannequins dressed as chefs, butlers, and waiters.

The woman began to explain to us about the origin of the home interior in the western civilisation and how they worked things differently compared to Japan. I didn't end up paying much attention. I was just in so much awe and completely mesmerised of everything around me.

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