Chapter 3: I Am Morbius

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As Morbius walked to his bedroom he was wondering, was he lucky? was he strong? or was him just poorly written? how could he beat the crap out of someone so easily when pissed off? and why this someone befriended him after he morb them up? he wonders if he is really that strong.

Morbius always knew, bedtime is the best part of the day, is the part where you remember the things that happened throught the day, sometimes you can aprecciate how the day was good, sometimes, you get to think about what you are doing with your life, sometimes, its the relief that an awful day is about to end, and sometimes you experience the agony of finishing an day where you did nothing... Independently, its always an unique and precious moment.

So morbius took off his clothes and wore his minions pyjama, morbius really loves to collect pyjamas and since he is rich, he can afford pretty much any he wants.

He wondered, was he living a good life? as he layed on his bed, ready for the end of the day. Did we have got what he wants? he was an doctor, got superpowers that he hid from everyone besides His new close friend, Valentine, was he doing the right thing? should he donate to charity? what were his goal or purpose on this earth?

As more and more questions began to drift on his mind, he fell asleep.

As if that was the end of the day...

His dream began. He was an different place, feeling like somthing was off, he could tell with his morb sonar that there were a lot of people in the building already, he could peep on people's conversetions but that is not something gentlemorbs do, so he first walked around the corridors, finding many rooms, including the exit.

He could just go and explore the outdoors, but he decided to talk to the people of this place.

As he turns back to the place he woke up, he entered the first door
In the first door, there was 3 shadows of people, they were normal humans but they looked like shadows, made of energy, with a totally dark face but with a mouth (and so did every single character originated from that place) Morbius then tries to make contact
Hey guys, who are you? do you guys know any way out of here? or what this place is? - Morbius says
The first one replies: We are in the Morbius Academy, its a sort of college here, it was founded by chairman Morbius, the Revolutionary of the Red Sun of Taiwokyo
Morbius wondered, Taiwokyo? its like, Tokyo and Taiwan in the same place? wasnt he in Fokuyosrerufu City in japan?

cutting to the chase, this was city of Fokuyosrerufu, but in a different place, since this dream was an alternate reality

As morbius gets to know better the city of Taiwokyo, he learned that Yang XingXong, the president of china in this realm have conquered 100% of japan, and turned them into americans, in this plane of reality, China was an America stan and banned bibles and anime items on japan, leading to an massive dictatorship regime where nothing is sugoi, isntead, everything is UwU'nt and sad and bad.

As morbius get out of the building to go for a walk, he stops by an lake with an really dangerous cave nearby, he sits on a bench and pull a note book where he writes his discoveries of this world, when he suddenly hears an British voice...

"Whot a'e yau doin' hear? this plaiss is mine"


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