Child of Death

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Lumark and Thorne's footsteps echoed through the hallowed halls of Thetorah, the magnificent heart of the Norg civilization. These grand halls, an ancient amalgamation of artistry and history, exuded a timeless aura that connected the Norgs to their storied past. The lofty dome above allowed celestial light to cascade down, bestowing an ethereal glow upon the Norgs bustling below.

In the midst of this architectural wonder, a majestic statue of Zeha, the revered warlord Norg who had united the Norgs after the cataclysmic first war, stood resolute. A cascading waterfall encircled the monument, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of unity and strength that coursed through the veins of every Norg.

As Lumark and Thorne meandered through the throng of their fellow Norgs, they exchanged warm greetings and nods of camaraderie. Their senses were intoxicated by the vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds—the artisans honing their crafts, traders bartering for goods, and children playfully weaving through the crowd.

A glimmer of trepidation danced in Lumark's eyes as he recalled the clandestine encounter with the Trinity within the sacred temple of Diniir. Their enigmatic messages had cast an enigmatic shroud upon his path, leaving him grappling with the weight of destiny.

As they continued on their journey, Lumark spotted their Mami amidst the flurry of commerce, haggling skillfully with a trader over a kaleidoscope of fabrics. Her graceful presence and wise demeanor radiated a sense of familial warmth, grounding Lumark in the comfort of home.

Noting the passing time, Lumark leaned towards Thorne, entrusting him with the secret of the temple encounter. "Thorne, swear to me you won't tell Mami about what happened with the Trinity," Lumark implored, a mix of vulnerability and urgency in his voice.

Thorne nodded solemnly, promising his loyalty. "You have my word, Lumark. Your burden is ours to bear together."

With that unspoken pact, Thorne volunteered to assist Lumark in the challenging task of capturing the elusive Grosk—a rare and elusive bird-turtle hybrid creature whose feather held paramount importance for Lumark's impending bleeding ritual. Thorne's hunting prowess surpassed Lumark's, and his steadfast support bolstered Lumark's spirit.

Before long, Lumark bid farewell to Thorne, who ventured into the hunt accompanied by Satir, Unnok, and Tonni—their childhood friends who formed an inseparable bond over the years.

Alone, Lumark ascended to the pinnacle of the great house, guided by a mechanical elevator, reaching the apex that seemed to kiss the celestial heavens. This elevated space, adorned with statues and paintings celebrating the legacy of great Norg leaders and legends, imparted an aura of reverence and awe.

In this exalted chamber, an enigmatic phenomenon unfolded—the room perpetually bathed in brilliant golden flames, an inexplicable spectacle witnessed by only a select few. Twelve stoic guards, mounted like eternal sentinels, stood sentinel against the currents of time.

At the heart of this domain, Lumark sought an audience with the formidable and exacting secretary, Mrs. Nahhi. Her discerning gaze seemed to pierce through to the core of one's being, discerning identity and intent without a mere glance.

"Nahhi," Lumark greeted respectfully, his heart both intimidated and intrigued by the enigmatic woman.

Without raising her head, Nahhi acknowledged his presence with a characteristic air of authority. Lumark couldn't help but wonder if she had some mystical foresight beyond mortal comprehension, a notion his Mami playfully teased the children about.

Nahhi's no-nonsense demeanor prevailed. "What do you want, Lumark?" she inquired with a brisk efficiency that seemed to peel away all pretense.

"I seek an audience with the First Elder," Lumark replied, striving to maintain composure in Nahhi's scrutinizing presence.

Galactica: Days of TrinityΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα