Snapped Some Shots

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The next morning, Lance woke up to find the bed next to his empty. His heart lurched, and he sat up in a panic to see Keith sitting on the floor painting. He had a short easel he liked to use, and a light clipped to the back of his canvas, illuminating the area he was working on.

'From the look of that, you've been awake for a while,' Lance said.

'I got used to sleeping only a few hours at a time,' said Keith. 'I don't remember the last time I slept a full night.'

Lance retrieved his camera from the bedside table, rolled onto his stomach, and snapped some shots of Keith at work. He then grabbed the small notebook he was using to jot down questions and habits so he could ask them during his interview. He was writing in that when there was a knock at the door.

'It's unlocked,' called Lance.

Rosa came in with a tray of food for their breakfast.

'Mama, you didn't need to bring that up,' said Lance, getting up and taking the tray from her. 'I would have come down.'

'I know,' said Rosa. 'But I wanted to talk. Keith, can you update your address and contact details through the college's online portal today. I want to ring the school to tell them you won't be in this week.'

'I will,' said Keith, 'but I can go to school.'

'The nurse advised it would be better if you didn't,' said Rosa. 'You need to give yourself time to heal, and the teachers can post any work you need to do on the portal.'

'I don't want to be a bother,' Keith said.

'You're not a bother at all,' Rosa assured him. 'Is there anything Lance needs to pick up tomorrow?'

'I have a painting that needs to be finished this week,' said Keith. 'Miss Maddison can give you what I need.'

'Okay,' Lance said.

When Rosa left, Keith cleaned his brushes, turned off the lamp, and joined Lance on the bed for breakfast. He pulled his laptop out of his backpack and logged into the college portal to update his details. He removed any evidence of his father, put in the McClain's as his first point of contact, and changed the address. He started at next of kin for a moment, he still had Shiro down. Removing Shiro's name, he put in Lance's and got his mobile number from him, which then lead to them updating their mobile phones with each other's number. It was like wiping the slate clean and starting a new life, and it felt oddly liberating.

'How's your side?' asked Lance.

'Sore,' said Keith. 'But nothing I've not put up with before.'

It made Lance sad to know that pain was a regular part of Keith's life. He remembered Keith's parents as being wonderful, loving people. He would stay over there every other weekend. There was always cake on the bench because his mother loved to bake.

Lance and Keith had gone their separate ways three weeks before his mother was killed in a car crash. He went to the funeral with his parents, but he never spoke to Keith, and they didn't go back to the house afterwards. That's when he noticed what he thought was Keith fighting.

'Was there anything you wanted to do today?' asked Lance.

Keith shook his head. 'Not really.'

'You happy just to flop around here?'

'Sounds good to me,' said Keith. 'I have some homework to do anyway. It would be nice to finally get on top of it all.'

'I know the feeling,' said Lance. 'I swear they give out homework every day.'

Keith laughed. 'It feels like it.'

Lance took the tray downstairs, and when he came back, he cleaned his teeth and dragged out some loose, comfortable track pants and jumper and dressed. He then pulled out an extra set and put them on the bed.

'Here's some comfy clothes if you want them,' Lance said.

'Oh, um, I wouldn't want to get paint on them,' Keith muttered.

'It'll wash out, and if it doesn't, you've got a set of comfy art clothes,' Lance said, as he sat at his desk and opened his laptop. In the reflection of his screen, he saw Keith hesitate, then get changed.

Keith sat on the bed and opened his laptop. The two of them sat in comfortable silence and got on with their homework until Rosa called them for lunch.

Lance looked at his watch in surprise. 'Wow, that went quickly. It is so nice to just sit and get this done. Allura was forever wanting to go shopping, and that pissed me off so much.'

'I don't remember her being such a bitch in high school,' Keith said.

'No, I don't know what changed her, but I'm so glad to be away from it,' said Lance. 'I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.'

Keith slipped off the bed. 'How are you going to handle her tomorrow?'

'I'm going to stay out of her way,' Lance said.

As he moved past the bed, they seemed to gravitate towards each other, and Lance found himself looking into Keith's eyes. Lance leant in and kissed him, he cupped Keith's cheek and then stepped closer to him so their bodies were touching, and then they pulled each other closer still. When Keith turned his attention to Lance's throat, Lance gave a soft moan, and that brought them back to their senses.

'Sorry,' muttered Keith.

'Don't be,' said Lance, softly. 'I want you, but only when we're ready.'

Keith nodded. 'When I'm healed.'

'But this,' said Lance, 'this is good, this we can do.'

Keith reached up and touched Lance's throat. 'I made a mark.'

'I can live with that,' Lance said, grinning.

Keith gave a soft chuckle and they headed downstairs to lunch. If anyone noticed the hickey on Lance's neck they didn't say anything about it, or about the fact Keith was wearing Lance's clothes.

After lunch Keith continued with his painting, and Lance snapped some more photos, before returning to his laptop.

They worked through to dinner then relaxed for the rest of the evening watching Netflix in Lance's room until they couldn't keep their eyes open.

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