Chapter One

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The Search for Death



The beginning to an end


"Let's begin."

The dreaded, monotone statement I've heard a dozen times. If I hadn't become numb to it maybe I'd feel my nails digging into my palms. Or my teeth gritted so tight they were about to crack. The cold table on my bare back would send goosebumps into an attentive stance.

But the bindings were all too tight.

Just like they always were.

"I don't understand what you want from me." I wanted to seethe with anger. Though the strength I once had, was gone. In its place was a meek whisper of a plea.

Dr. Maddon placed a gloved hand to my wrist for a brief moment. The latex grip to my heartbeat released when he trailed to my forearm, spreading hatred. His magnified black eyes intently checked his concoction that would soon splash into my veins.

"Just tell me what you're looking for. I-I can't do this. Not again. Not again, please-" The words gargled beneath the tears.


His index finger plucked the hanging bag that would soon take my life. The noise sounded my attention to his loose fitted, infection green colored scrubs. From the cap on his head to the coverings of his shoes. All but his aged face was covered in snot. They gave his lengthy, thin stature no support. If anything he seemed to be weighed down, limping on his left side with each small shuffle as he inched closer.

It wasn't until the unnatural sway in his step did he start these sessions. Dr. Maddon's smile once held a faith, a hope that was ripped downward into the gates of Hell and mine along with it.

I'd kill the demon who took my sanity. Smash his head into his own throne of blackness where the only thing he could see is his own, goddamn, nightmares.

"There's the fight." Dr. Maddon congratulated, his scrubs shifting to his arm that shot up. "The fire in those smoky eyes."

"There's no one there!" Frustrated escaped through thrashes. The tough cloth belt held me tight around the waist, ankles and wrists. Even my strength wasn't enough to loosen the restraint. There was nowhere to go except the Hell that inevitably awaited me. My fate was held in the hands of a scientist gone mad with my misfortune.

"Every single time, Aurora!" He rushed me, his wedded hand flicking to my face. "You've seen it but by the next day you act as if none of what I say is true. I'm a man of my word. I have never told you a lie since the day you sat in my office. So when I say that the Devil himself is among us, there should be no reason for you of all things to doubt me. Seeing how you aren't as far off from the evil I seek."

"I see nothing! Like my eyes are closed while I'm awake! How many times until you listen to me?" I screamed with hope he would hear me this time.

His frown had lifted just slightly. Enough to see something more than the usual dissatisfaction up his ass. Instead he turned off his emotional gaze, going lights out like a museum in the night. Every movement was calculated. His weight forced a muffled tap with every robotic backward step he took. It echoed like a clock, timed with the flickering lights.

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