XXII. You Think This Is A Joke?

Start from the beginning

"I know she's still shady, but she-"

"She's still shady."

"But we want the same thing. Find the Blood Witch stealing fairy magic and stop them. You and Flora saw the scraper up close. Look, shady or not, I'm just.. I'm happy that we have Rosalind to help fight them."

I go to Specialist training especially since this one was a little more important. "We don't know much about scrapers. We do know that fairy magic is ineffective against them, which is why now is the time when the Specialist must shine."

"Now that I'm back, I'll be taking over ranged combat, the primary method of taking down the scrapers. Let's see what you got."

"It's like he never fucking left."

"Come on, man. Aren't we over this anti-Silva shit?"

"He acts like he has the moral high ground. Hypocrite."

"Takes one to know one." I say.

"You prefer Andreas?" Riven asked.

"At least Andreas is who he is."

"Yes, and who he is is a massive prick. He almost took my arm off in sparring yesterday."

"I wonder if it's because Beatrix is gone. I heard Rosalind sent her on a mission, but when I tried to ask him about it, he pretty much told me to fuck off, so... You don't know anything, do you, Riven?"

"Nope. She's not my problem anymore. That nightmare is over." Riven shoots and misses. "You know, for homing arrows, these fucking suck."

Dane shoots and hits all the targets. "What was that, Riven?"

"Combat won't be as easy as hitting a single target. The Blood Witches and the scrapers will attack together."

"Mind fairies can protect Specialists from Blood Witch magic. Musa, Magnolia."

"Can I just watch? My magic hasn't been very helpful recently."

"You both are the strongest mind fairies at this school. Your magic is limited only by your will. Focus."

I stand up and stand with Riven. "Hey there." He says.

"Hey, today's your lucky day. You got paired with a legend." Rosalind paired Musa with Sky.

"Got him." Musa and I say.

"Protect them while I simulate an attack." Rosalind gets into Rivens head but I push her out. "Good. Alright, Musa. I can feel you. Push me away." Sky groans and shoots the arrow but misses, again.

"Told you. Not helpful."

"Today must be my lucky day, too." I smile. "Thank you, Musa."

"You think this is a joke?" Sky says.

"Yes, I do actually."


Rosalind's gone.
Also Beatrix was taken.
Tell you more later.

Back at the suite everyone was getting ready. "We're gonna hit up a pub in Blackbridge called The Grapevine, you game?" Musa asked.

"Hell yes!" Everyone got ready besides Stella who obviously couldn't leave. "I can stay with you if you want."

"No, it's okay. Go, have fun. I'll be raiding Beatrix liquor stash."

We entered the pub and Riven comes from behind me. "Boo."

"Didn't even flinch." I walk over to Musa. "What's up? Why aren't you with the rest of them?"

"Magnolia! This is my friend, Tecna. Tecna, this is my suite mate and one of my best friends, Magnolia."

"Great to meet you!" Tecna says.

"Likewise." I seen Sebastian come in. "If you'll excuse me. I'll be back."

"Someone is starting early." Sebastian chuckles.

"When we asked you to meet us, you promised not to tell my dad."

"Your secrets safe with me." He said tapping on the counter. "It's from my time at Alfea. Andreas would call me a fucknut Specialist all day, so I'd come here and drown my sorrows all night. I was, by the way, a fucknut."

"You really hate him, don't you?"

"Andreas is a bully. I hate bullies. Anyway, I come bearing gifts."

He puts a folder on the counter. "That's a lot of paper."

"It's a big catering company."

"You really think that's how the Blood Witches got in? Through catering?"

"Well, if a Blood Witch took your friend, then yeah. Think about it. Caterers are everywhere. Practically invisible. I mean, I pulled background on all employees plus contractors. We can cross-reference between Beatrix and the fairies who got their magic taken, and see if there are any links."

"I guess, it's a good place to start. I'll get on it now."

"Now as in at the pub." I hummed in agreement. "All right, so, um.. I do not condone underage drinking. Never. Wouldn't think about it. But I equally do not condone sitting in a pub avoiding your friends and doing work."

"We are the only fairies that can take on a Blood Witch, and I have a history with them." Bloom said. "Just.. I gotta stay clear. They don't even know about Beatrix yet. I don't know how they're gonna react."

"I get it."

"You're the only one I can tell."

"Totally. But you're also a fucking teenager, Bloom. Don't forget that." Sebastian checks his phone. "I gotta run, but put all their drinks on my tab. Get drunk. Act your age. Have fun."

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