Chapter 2

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His lab was tedious at best, but Gavin made it through. There were only so many cells he could look at under a microscope before his eyes went cross-eyed.

He walked across the courtyard to the food court. After scanning the menus of several of the stalls, he found a place that could meet his dietary requirements. He had celiac's disease so he couldn't eat gluten. That part of his diet was manageable, but it was managing his dairy intake that killed him. He loved cheese and ice cream, but he could only have them in small doses now.

He ordered a personal gluten free veggie pizza and found a place to eat. He read over his notes as he ate, trying to remember what the test was over in his next class. Being a biology major ate at his time, but the more he studied the better he would be at it. He didn't have a choice. He had to keep his grades up to keep what little freedom he had.

A tray slammed down on the table across from him. A blond headed man sat down followed by a red headed woman. They bickered in good tones as they sorted out their shared meal.

Davis Hill and Emily Ray were his closest friends and the ones he studied with. They had the same English and math classes, but they were studying in different departments. Davis was studying mathematics and Emily was a primary education major. They'd been his friends since freshmen orientation and Gavin had been instrumental in getting them together.

Davis looked at Gavin's plate and frowned. "Vegetarian pizza? Why that of all things?"

"I had too much for breakfast and didn't want to overdo it. I have a test after this," he replied.

"Did you finish your English paper?" Emily asked. She dipped a handful of French fries into her ranch. "I heard the old bat is grading for grammar, spelling, and the whole shebang this time."

"Didn't she do that the first time?" Davis asked. "I got a D on the last one."

"That's because you turned it in half-completed. You're lucky you even got that."

Gavin laughed at their newest argument. Davis liked to wait until the last minute to do things. He was always late to class, and sometimes his assignments weren't finished. Emily harped at him about them all the time. He took them as a joke and didn't think anything about it. A lot of the times that got him in trouble.

"We haven't seen you at a party in a while," Davis said. He took a big bite and chewed as best as he could. "What have you been up to?"

"My studies have been crazy. I had five biology assignments last week alone. I haven't even taken a look at the biochem assignments," Gavin replied.

"Why do you have so many?" Emily asked. Gavin shrugged and shook his head at the same time. "You are taking twenty hours this semester. You may have to just pace yourself to stay ahead. Don't overdo it."

Gavin nodded but the word "overdo" was getting old. His driver had said, his mother had said it, and now his friends. He knew how not to overdo something. Hell, if he told them everything, they would be appalled at what he actually did in a day. But he couldn't tell them because he wasn't prepared for the backlash he would undoubtedly face.

"Do you think next semester will be easier?" Davis wondered. His friend shrugged. "I hope it is. We don't see you anymore."

"I'm sorry. One of these days I will be able to have some free time. Right now isn't it."

They settled into a gentle conversation that eased Gavin's mind. Lately he had been uptight because he hadn't been able to do what he wanted. It was better for him to do as he was asked than to be punished like he had been in the past. He had learned the hard way what would happen if he didn't follow the rules exactly how they'd been set. He hadn't been told to get rid of his friends so they must not be a threat, but that didn't mean that he had told them anything. Some days even Gavin was in shock of his new life.

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