Prolouge besties

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I sighed, should I do this? It'd be a great opportunity. He even said I could stop any time I wanted. They have a very flexible schedule. I closed my eyes and contemplated my decisions.

"You know you could just come to one of the shoots, get a feel for how it would go." Lust said to me, a delicate smile placed on his face. "We usually have enough models in case you don't want the photos published!" He said grinning.

I closed my eyes for a second. I worked it all out in my head. This way I could finally get the money I needed. I know what I have to do.

"I'll do it." I said and looked up at Lust's shocked eyes.

"Wow I... didn't think you say yes!" Lust said as he chuckled. I smiled at him and we scheduled a time that was good for both me and everyone else. Lust Said he'd make sure the studio was empty in case I was embarrassed. He even said he would take the pictures! I smiled thinking about it. I walked up to the building. It was late at night, a perfect time for me as I wouldn't have to worry about having to lie as an excuse to come here. I surveyed the building. It was a large white building, almost unnoticeable from the other similar buildings. It was quite large though I'm guessing that's because they need space for changing rooms and equipment.

I went into the building and it was dark. My eyes soon adjusted to the light and I could see a door on the far end of the hallway I was in. I walked towards the door and stopped im front of it. Is this really what I want? No it is. It has to be. It's not about what you want. It's about what they need. You have to provide. Of course. I know that.

I slowly opened the door with a push and gasped at the setup. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by pink lighting surrounding many doors. They all were a dark pink and had gold plated, handmade name plates on each of the doors. I scanned them all and found one that had neatly written cursive on it in what looked to be nonpermanent marker. The semi-hard to read cursive I soon deciphered as my name and I laughed. Of course Lust wanted it to look 'fancy', I thought to myself. I walked into the room and was greeted my a velvet couch that looked to be made of an expensive looking felt and a darker colored leather cushion. I looked to the side to see a chair with wheels on it and in front of it was a desk, the kind you see in movies that has the lights all around the mirror. I gawked at all of the things in here. Are these all for me?

"Do you like it?" I heard behind me. I quickly spun around to see Lust leaning against the doorframe while crossing his arms, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I do actually!" I said genuinely, giving a smile to him. Lust sighed. He sat down on the chair in front of the desk and swiveled it around. He gestured for me to sit ok the couch in front of him. I did and he quickly got to business.

He told me everything about what would happen tonight. I agreed. He brought in the outfit I was supposed to wear tonight and it was stunning. It was a tight fitting white one piece with two connecting tassels of slightly see through clear lace covering the chest area and draping over the arms of the mannequin elegantly. There was a mesh piece that also fell over the arms of the lifeless statue in a similar fashion except this one dragged the floor longer. The one piece also had a piece connected which was a kind of large white scarf to tie around the featureless human-lookalike's waist.

My jaw dropped at the beautiful outfit.

"Do you like it?" Lust asked eagerly.

"I love it!" I said excitedly, waving my hands in front of me in a swift manor.

Lust then told me where to meet him outside the area with the rooms and he left me with the extravagant outfit. I put it on and looked in the mirror. I looked the best I ever had in my life. I got closer to the mirror and slowly touched the reflection. I finally felt like... me. Ever since the incident I had experienced a lot of gender dysphoria. I didn't know if it was because of it or if it just amplified the feeling but I didn't care anymore. I finally felt like myself. I wiped my eyes and prepared myself to meet Lust.

I opened my door and let it shut behind me. I went up to another heavy looking push door. It was a carbon copy of the one that had led me to this area. I finally gained enough courage and opened the door. I saw Lust waiting and his face immediately contracted into a smile. To walked toward me as I looked away. "You look beautiful darling." He said and I quickly got embarrassed. Mind you I held no feeling towards Lust. I just got embarrassed easily. I would never betray my loyal, lovely boyfriends.

"Cmon Horror hurry up I have so much to show you!" Lust yelled, already a solid thirty feet in front of me. I quickly walked as fast as I could toward him as we approached her another door.

I felt like myself. I didn't have to hide myself to feel comfortable anymore.

I finally felt free.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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