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Clay's POV

When I turned around after grabbing a cart I noticed she was almost sprinting towards the cereal aisle.  When I finally caught up to her she threw 5 different boxes in the cart. 

"I just realized, I never got your name." I said, trying to keep up with her as she went from aisle to aisle throwing stuff into the cart. 

"You can call me Raven." She said with a quick smirk before rushing back to putting stuff in our cart.  

"Oki dokie. So, what's with all this food anyway?" I asked her as she pulled me towards the check out.

"If I get more than I need, it'll last longer and I'll eat less of it at a time. It saves money, I don't waste food, and I don't binge eat." She replied. I looked at her, I could see her ribs. She definitely needs to binge eat from time to time to keep some weight.  

As the cashier pulled up the total she grabbed her card from her back pocket, did she not have a wallet? 

As I loaded all the bags into my car, she was messing with the radio trying to find a station that she doesn't hate.

Maybe she's stronger than she looks, mentally and physically. I sure hope she is cause otherwise, she could get hurt, really badly. I guess we'll have to see.

(A/N. Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm working on a really long chapter for the next one.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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