Chapter 1

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"Jung senpai!"

Tintin stuck her foot out as the girl, still wearing her swimsuit, ran to where all the ladies in the swim club were, around Makoto Jung.

"Hey, that's mean!" The girl righted herself up the last minute, tripping over Tintin's foot.

"Bite me." Tintin rolled her eyes from where she sat.

A shadow loomed over Tintin and in a second, Makoto Jung was crouching beside her, smiling that warm, friendly smile that seems to always manage to irritate her. Makoto Jung, the dazzling swim club team captain, with his lovely brown, slanting eyes, tall stance and easygoing attitude. And she's Tintin, the lazy but talented second year swim club member. Sometimes she wonders why she joined the club, but then she remembered that time when she spotted a swimmer doing the backstroke, and she thought it was the most beautiful sight she had seen in a while. She knew how to swim, and so she joined.

"Want me to do the honors?" Jung said.

"Oh you are so getting it, Makoto Jung!" Tintin managed to scratch Jung in one arm, her nails not sharp enough to make his skin bleed, but he still winced.

"Hey! Why are you always so mean to Jung senpai?" A girl, the same one who almost tripped in front of her, asked Tintin.

"I want to wipe the grin off his face." Tintin mumbled as Jung rubbed his arm.

"Hey, that hurt." Jung stared at his arm, angry red lines marking his elbow down to his wrist. "Are you still angry about the race we never got to do?"

Right. The race. One of the very many reasons why Tintin didn't like Jung, aside from his too bright personality, that perpetually smiling face, and that older brother attitude he always had on display to everyone.

Makoto Jung was supposed to retire from the club after this season, and Tintin was at the top of the list of the ones being considered to replace him. The tradition was to let the captain race and whoever gets to beat him becomes the captain. Tintin and Jung were the only ones who haven't raced yet, much to Tintin's frustration.

"Who's angry?" Tintin averted her eyes, as Jung extended his hand to her.

"Come on, I'll race you now." Jung urged Tintin with a wave of a hand. "But let's have a bet, shall we?"

"Bet?" Tintin accepted Jung's hand and pulled herself upward. But she was too hasty to stand up, and the momentum propelled her forward and she found herself crashing against Jung's naked upper body. Her face chose to flush at that moment.

"You okay?" Jung's hands automatically went up to grip Tintin's shoulders to steady her, and her face became redder.

"Enough with the touching!" Tintin slapped Jung's hands away and jumped to the pool. She needed to cool off. "Let's race!" Tintin shouted before she plunged her head down the water.

When she surfaced, Jung was looking down on her, eyes twinkling as he peered down on Tintin's gasping form.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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