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"Hi, are you ready to order?" I smile, keeping up a merry front for the customers. Retrieving my note pad and pen from my pocket, quelling my frustrations between gritted teeth.

Nothing is out of order, just the usual hustle and bustle you find on a weekend. Cheery mothers chatting, tired children screaming and the young laughing among each other. The reason behind my growing frustrations is the fact that I am stuck serving Draken's table. I try and avoid serving people I know personally, passing them onto another waitress but that unfortunately isn't possible in this very moment.

I snap back to reality when a voice speaks up.

"Ken-chin is being mean!" A boy whines, lifting his pouty face from the table momentarily. He has blonde hair that is half tied, dark eyes and from what I can tell a lacking of height in comparison to his friends. Crossing his arms with a huff he childishly shoots a glare in Draken's direction. I stifle a laugh behind my waiting book, enjoying the antics of the boy. His boyish demeanor bringing a smile to my lips which doesn't go unnoticed by Draken.

"No I'm not, dumbass!" Draken retorts, frustration clear in his eyes.

"Then why can't I meet her?"

"Meet who?" Their silent lilac haired friend piques in, his expression calm and eyes soft.

"Because, I said so," Draken leans back into the booth matter of factly, not even trying to conceal the smirk spreading over his face.

"So, you do have a girlfriend after all Draken," the lavender head smiles.

"WHAT!?" Draken yells incredulously, shock written all over his face.

The entire cafe falls silent, the sound of plates smashing echoing through the quiet. I turn towards the sound noting the numerous heads turned in our direction. Ignoring the curious bystanders, I rush to help the poor waitress who jumped from the scare. Dropping a tall tower of awkwardly stacked plates to the floor.

Her expression blooms like a rose, her eyes wide and glossy with embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry," she fumbles, her shoulders tensing as she shrinks to her knees to clean up.

"Hey, it's alright," I reassure her, squeezing her shoulder gently as I assist her.

I spot a small child bolting this way in my peripheral and quickly outstretch my hand as a boundary. The kid slides to an unsteady stop, his balance wavering as he wobbles on one leg before regaining his footing. "Careful, there's glass on the floor," I soften my tone, sharing a small smile with the cute little boy.

"Sorry, miss," he mumbles, puffing out his chubby cheeks and toying with the hem of his shirt bashfully.

"No need for apologies," I assure him, noticing his guardian approaching us. I bow my head at her earning a 'thanks' as they disappear to their table once more.

I sigh, placing the larger shards of glass into a plastic bag. Tuning into the conversation between Draken and his friends once more, intrigued to hear more.

"Well, there's a rumor going around that you were with a girl in Shibuya the other night," his friend explains.

"Ooh, really?" I peek over my shoulder to see the mischievous grin crawling across the shorter blondes face.

"Quit smiling like that Mikey! I don't have a girlfriend!" I withhold my giggles, watching Draken's eyes looking anywhere but his friends. A gentle pink tint flourishing over his cheeks.

"You're blushing?" Mikey teases, pulling Draken's hand away from his face for a better look.

"Piss off!" he snaps, shooing Mikey away like some sort of pest.

Not Like The Rest DrakenxfemOCWhere stories live. Discover now