As much as Hornet still hesitated to make a change like his friends were doing right now, he realized that Mira was right. He was so tired of trying to avoid being good when his friends decided to change. He was also tired of thinking his friends would abandon him if they would change, and he would still remain the same Bad Guy, because he believe his friends would never abandon him. But to prove it, he decided to follow Mira's advice, and join his friend as he had his wrist out as well, "Yeah. We don't want to run away anymore, as long as we're together, we'll be fine."

Wolf, Snake, Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula were confused about Hornet's words as "staying together" isn't actually part of showing how they change and wanting to surrender, but they glanced to each other, and accepted that

"Right, right, "Wolf nodded before turning to the chief of police, "Chief, do what you need to do."

The chief almost couldn't believe what was happening as she asked in shock, "What? Y-You're turning yourself in?"

Wolf answered, "We might not have stolen the meteorite, but we did steal a lot of other things. It's time we took some responsibility. Start a clean state."

Diane was feeling proud of Wolf while the chief stood there with her mouth agape, stunned to her very core.

Wolf gave the police chief a reassured wink, "Take us in, Chief."

Almost struggling to believe that it was really happening, the chief asked, "Wow, really?"

Wolf nodded and even placed the handcuffs on his wrists himself as she said to the chief, "You finally did it. This is your moment, Chief. Drink it in."

Realizing that she had finally, after such a long time, accomplished what many thought to be impossible, the Chief excitedly commented, "Wow. You know, I should... I should give a speech. I... Well, I-I should, shouldn't I?"

While Wolf started to reply, "Uh-," he was then interrupted when the chief started to tell the officers that had been behind her.

"When I was six years old, I decided that I wanted to play the piccolo, only to find that my fingers were just too powerful for that fragile little instrument. And that's when I discovered law enforcement..."

Wolf chuckled as he watched the chief of police deliver her speech.

Diane was standing beside him, "I'm proud of you, Wolf."

Wolf replied, "You know, a fox and a wolf are not that different. You got a good thing going here, Governor."

But despite of surrendering with his friends, Hornet still couldn't get over his grudge against the governor, "Yeah, yeah, we're doing good now, so please stop drinking it in,"

But Wolf chuckled as he shoved Hornet a little with his handcuffed hands. "Heh, heh, he started to like you," he chuckled nervously while looking at Diane.

"No, I'm not," Hornet muttered while avoiding looking at the fox.

While the police officers started to guide the handcuffed Bad Guys to the police car, Tiffany Flubbit was reporting into the video camera, "So, it turns out the saga of the Bad Guys has come to a simple and totally satisfying conclusion. Though I wonder, what happened to the meteorite?"

Up in the sky, the malfunctioning helicopter sputtered in the air, still holding onto the meteorite, as Marmalade shouted, "Cuddles! Faster, faster!"

Tiffany saw Professor Marmalade inside the helicopter, and reported while her cameraman recorded on the video camera," It's Professor Marmalade! He's bringing the meteorite back!"

Marmalade, seeing that everyone was watching and thinking he was a hero, quickly straightened up and said while acting nice, "Huh? Uh, yes, yes. Bringing... bringing it back. That's precisely what I am doing."

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