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Stella was going through a hard time. Her mom was being terrible has always, Bloom's now gone but none of that scratched the surface of how she was feeling about Beatrix.

It was odd seeing has they only truly got to know each other after a short period of time but a part of her would be lying if she said she didn't really care about Beatrix more than she knew before.

Now with Beatrix being gone, she felt her heart tugging and not in a good way.


She opened the paper in her hand with the names and address of Beatrix's two sister.

Standing outside the house she took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what the outcome would be but she felt like she owed it to Beatrix to let her sisters know her.

She knocked on the front door and waited. Soon after a girl with brunette hair with strands of green and blonde stood in front of her.

"Can I help you?" She answered with an attitude

"My name is Stella-"

"I know who you are, Princess" the girl interrupted, emphasizing Stella's title.

"What do you want?" The girl asked

"I wanted to tell you that you have a sister named Beatrix, or more of had" Stella said, feeling sad.

"What are you talking about?, Darcy move out the way and let the girl in" Another girl appeared

Stella now knowing which is Darcy and which is Isabella before stepping inside their home.

"You had a sister named Beatrix, she went to Alfea but tragically, I'm here to tell you she died" Stella said.

"We had a sister?" Isabella asked, making sure she heard right.

"Yes!" Stella replied.

"How did she die?" Darcy asked

"She tried to stop a monster from destroying our world and he killed her because of it" Stella said

Both sisters stared at each other for a moment, comprehending what they had just learnt.

"What was she like?" Darcy asked.

"She was stubborn, you could never tell which side she was on, a survivalist with a bitchy attitude, but deep down misunderstood. I know now, everything she did, she did it because she thought she only had herself. She betrayed Alfea because she wanted answers about you. She wanted family." Stella said

"She wasn't perfect but she never pretended like she was"

"She sounds like someone we'd have loved" Isabella said laughing while Darcy smirked.

"This is for you" Stella said before handing them a photo of Beatrix before leaving.

Stella left feeling some form of accomplishment, knowing she could have at least form a memory of Beatrix for her sisters.

She didn't want her death to be for nothing.


Stella walked back home to Alfea feeling uneasy, it felt like someone was watching her but she couldn't figure out who.

She opt to hurry home and let it go for now.

Unbeknownst to Stella, the shadow monster was lurking around.

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