Daniel the Cocker-spaniel

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So soon after touching down in Glurfsburg, Looka noticed his dad's pilot Cedric waving to him.

"Mr. Looka! How was your trip?"

"Very...different, Cedric." He didn't say more. After all, he technically told the truth.

"Good, sir. Your parents have a surprise waiting for you back home."

"Before we go, can I say goodbye first?"

"Of course."

Looka turned on his heel to face his companions. First, he hugged E.B. "Sorry I won't be around for New Year's. But I'm happy to have spent Christmas with you."

"So did I, Looka", she says back. Upon loosening their embrace, he just went for the kiss, pecking her lips with his.

"That was my New Year's kiss to you."

The girl giggled.

Then Looka respectfully shook the hands of her parents. "Thanks for the invite, Mr. and Mrs. Am-I. I had fun..." In a lower voice he adds, "Outside of all the revenge plots, that is."

"Oh, it's all water under the bridge now, Looka", said Guy, waving his hand in a pish-posh way of dismissal.

"Yeah. I'm glad you had fun", Michellee said.

He smiles and turns his attention to Guy Jr. "Hope you liked your first Christmas, little Guy."

The baby shrieked and cooed excitedly.

He bid his farewells to Grinch and Pam (who still hadn't bothered to fix their hair), gave Sam a hug and got a vigorous handshake from Gluntz.

"Good luck with the baby, you two", Looka says to her and Sam.

"Thanks, buddy", said Sam.


Whatever it was called when you just got off a blimp, then took flight again in a chopper and now you feel sick was exactly what Looka had been afflicted with.

It was like whiplash, but not quite. He promptly passed out in his seat.

In his slumber, Looka dreamt of the time and E.B. sat on the couch, proclaiming their mutual love to each other. He remembered he was softly singing Waterloo Sunset (he knew the others were trying to sleep). He couldn't entirely remember what happened after in the real world, he began to subconsciously fill in the gaps: E.B. floating out of his grasp. A funnel of stars shooting around him. Trying to shout out but finding his voice was gone. The final lyrics of Waterloo Sunset playing on loop.

Waterloo sunset's fine, Waterloo sunset's fine...

And just like last time, he was woken up.

"Mr. Looka! We're home!", Cedric told him.


Once in the palace, he was hugged tightly by his mother, who then peppered him with kisses.

"You're back, son!"

Hank came to the door and carried his bag upstairs. As he lifted it, a thick silver device with a screen fell out onto the floor.

"Uh-oh. I'm so sorry, sir", the butler said.

"It's okay, Hank." He reached down and picked it up.

"What is that?", the Dookess asked.

Looka smiled. "Just a present from E.B. It's a digital photo album she made herself." He demonstrates it by turning it on. The songs E.B. implemented on it were Waterloo Sunset, Endless Love and Hold Back the River. The pictures included, but weren't limited to, them getting medals, E.B.'s thirteenth birthday party, at the karaoke club in Glurfsburg and two more he added himself: a selfie in Whoville and a group picture of themselves, the Am-I's, I-Am's and their Whoville friends.

"My my. That's incredible!", his mother complimented. "Well, your father and I got you something too."

"Really? Where is it?"

"In the study."

As Hank continued taking his things upstairs, Looka followed his mother into the study. There, his father stood with a cheesy grin on his face, hiding something behind the sofa.

"Hi, Dad", he said.

"Hi, Looka. Are you ready for our present?"


The Dooka pulled a leash and, from behind the sofa, came a Cocker-spaniel puppy.

Looka was enchanted. For once he was given a real animal, not a stuffed one. He felt his breath catch in his throat, cutting off his hammy gasp.

The puppy caught Looka's gaze and barked chipperly.

The Dooka let go of the leash and the canine ran forward to Looka, standing on its hind legs.

He crouched down to pick him up and held him close.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad! I love it!"

"You're welcome, son", his parents said in unison.

The puppy licked Looka's cheek. The boy laughs.

"I think I'll name you..." He paused to contemplate. "...Daniel."

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