A Mar-acle Encounter

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At Gravesfeild Middle School, the final bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Luz was relieved to finally be free, as she could now get back to her house and help her friends and her girlfriends continue to find a way back home. She took out her phone and started reading an article her mom had recommended that might be of some help. The article was about an invasion of frog robots that attacked L.A. and were defeated by a girl who presumably had been trapped in another world, called Anne Boonchuy. Luz honestly wasn't too sure about this, as the article itself was questioning if it was all just a hoax, but regardless she was desperate to find a way to make a portal back to the Boiling Isles, so Luz choose to keep reading. As she did, she walked down the hall, not paying attention. However, she wasn't the only one. A young Taiwanese-American girl with short dark hair was also walking down the hall, completely engrossed in the game she was playing on her Nintendo Switch. The two girls soon crashed into each other, causing them both to drop the device they were holding. After recovering, both girls were quick to get off the floor and even quick to apologize. Luz was first, "I'm so so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

The other girl insisted, "No it was my fault. I was just so In The Zone with my game I kind of tuned everything else out. I'm so sorry."

Once the two got a good look at each other, Luz said, "I don't think I've seen you around school before. Are you new?"

The girl started to shyly look away and began to say, "Um, yeah. My family just moved here a few weeks ago, so I'm still getting used to this place."

"Well, I'm Luz." She held out her hand to the new girl and gave a friendly smile, "Luz Noceda."

Turning to face Luz and giving a bit of a shy smile herself, the girl shook Luz's hand and introduced herself, "I'm Marcy Wu."

After shaking hands, the two noticed the others device by them, so they each bent down to pick it up. Luz handed Marcy back her Nintendo Switch and said, "Here's you're game back."

Marcy took it and gave a grateful smile, "Thanks." She then handed Luz her phone, but as she did she noticed the article it was on, "And here's your phone." Once Luz took it back, Marcy asked, "Anne Boonchuy, huh? Interesting choice to read. What are you trying to open a portal to another dimension?"

Luz nervously looked away and gave a fake laugh, "What? Of course not. Look I gotta go, sorry for bumping into you."

She quickly ran for the exit, as she did Marcy watched her go with curiosity and some suspicion. Soon after, she began to discreetly follow Luz.

(The idea to have Marcy from Amphibia move to Luz's hometown with her parents at the end of Amphibia, minus the time skip, came from a good friend of mine online, named Jackomon. Here is a link to their YouTube Channel so you can go and support them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGjySEQlVqfNkUmFl1TMnyw).

Later, Luz was in the park, on a bench, looking over the article on her phone. Just then, she heard Amity calling her, "Luz." She looked up to see her awesome girlfriend, alongside her other friends Willow, Gus, and Hunter, all with their Pailsmans, walking towards her.

Getting up, she gave Amity a quick hug, "Hey, Hermosa. What are you all doing here?"

Gus explained, "Well, it was taking you a while to get back home after school, and Amity was worried something happened to you."

Amity blushed at this reveal, with Luz smiling at her, "Awww, Amity. You're so cute when you worry."

Hunter added, "Well, she's not wrong to worry with Belos still around."

Willow then entered the conversation, "So, Luz, did that article you're mom recommend help?"

Luz sighed, "Not much. For one, I'm not even sure if the story of this Anne Boonchuy is true, and two, it doesn't go into any real details on how she presumably opened a dimensional portal." She started to look disappointed, "I knew this wouldn't be easy, but just once I would have liked it if something or someone just came out of nowhere and helped us." Just then a muddy claw hand had extended out of the nearby forest and grabbed Luz by the wrist, causing her to freak out, "This isn't what I had in mind!" The hand then pulled her into the forest.

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