Chapter Eleven: Bad News

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That morning, you woke up to an empty bed.

Ben was gone.

You sat up and rubbed at your eyes, confusion and slight hurt written across your face.
You got up out of bed and went to search the house for him. He was nowhere to be found.

You went back upstairs to get your phone and found a text from Ben.

Hey, Y/N. Sorry for disappearing. I know you'll probably wake up panicked or you might feel hurt since I just left without saying anything. I really, truly am sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you. Early this morning I was called back to my bosses home. Something has come up. By the time you've read this text, I'm sure I should be done talking to my boss, so call me. I promise I'll explain everything, and, again, I promise I'll make it up to you.
Sent at 5:45 a.m.

You checked the time. It was now 9:30 a.m.
Letting out a soft sigh, you called Ben.

He picked up quickly.

'Hey, Y/N.'

"Hey, Ben," you replied softly.

'What's wrong?'

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I just woke up. Do you know when you're gonna be coming back?"

Ben hummed softly.
'Not yet, but hopefully sometime today. We had an emergency come up. I need to talk to you about it later. I have bad news.'

You paled slightly. It had something to do with you? But you didn't even know Ben's boss, or even his family. Your voice sounded more shakey than you thought it would when you responded.
"W-What do you mean?"

Another soft sigh from the blonde.
'I'm not allowed to tell you yet. But when I get more information and my boss gives me the all clear, I'll be able to tell you about what's going on. Everything will be okay, though, I promise. Did you have any plans to go anywhere today?'

"Well, no, not particularly. I needed to get some more writing done but that's-"

'Good. Then I need you to stay indoors. Make sure you keep your doors and windows locked. My boss has sent his proxies to guard your home. When they get there, I need you to let them inside. There will be three. Their names are Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. When you see them, you'll know it's them, and I'll send you a text when they get there. I'll be able to keep in touch with you all day, so if you need anything, just text me or call me. And I'm able to travel through electronics, so if you really really need me, I'll be able to get to you quickly through your phone, laptop, or even your T.V. Try to stay calm and collected. Things will be okay. I promise I'll explain more when I see you later. Or my friend's can explain things to you.'

You were breathless. Didn't know how to respond. Your hands were shaking and your eyes were full of tears. Your throat was tight and you swallowed hard. You didn't know how to respond. Your mind was blank except for the endless possibilities of what was going on running through your head.

You didn't even end up responding to Ben for almost five minutes. You startled when you heard him say your name.



'It'll be okay. I promise.'

"Yeah..." you responded softly, your bottom lip quivering. You were trying so hard not to cry.

'I'll call you in a bit, okay?'

When you spoke again, your voice cracked and almost broke. You nearly started crying when you answered.

'Are you crying?'

"N-No-" you responded quickly. A little too quickly.

'You're lying.'

"I'm fine!" You squeaked. You quickly hung up on him, tears spilling down your cheeks. Why did bad things always have to happen to you? Why were you always the one thrust into the middle. Your phone dropped to the floor as you just broke. You squatted down and buried your face into your knees, your hands gripping your hair tightly between your fingers.


That was the only question running through your head.

You startled when your phone started vibrating on the floor. It was Ben calling again. You stared at the screen, deciding if you wanted to answer it or not. You let it ring, and then it finally stopped. Then it started again. Then stopped.

That's when your phone turned on by itself and started glitching. A hand came through the screen and then an arm.


Ben's P.O.V.

Ben shook his head after the first time he tried to call and you didn't pick up.

This girl.

He realized how much you were suffering, and he knew what you were going through. Things were rough, and he wanted to be there for you, but he was also trying to help figure out a way to stop whatever was coming. He knew you were crying from the way your voice continued to change, how quiet you got. And then the crack. He knew. And he knew that you knew he knew.

He tried calling again, and when you didn't pick up again, he decided to just go through his phone to get to you. Slender would have to understand. He had been lately, which had been nice. He just hoped it stayed that way. You mattered to Ben more at the moment.

When he finally made his way through your phone, he noticed you huddled up on the ground.

He stared at you with pity and sorrow.

He gently picked you up in his arms, holding you close to his chest. He swayed lightly with you.
"I'm sorry things keep happening to you, sweetheart. It's going to be okay. I'm here... and I'm not going to let anything hurt you. My family won't let anything hurt you. Everything will be fine."

You wouldn't answer him. He sighed and sat on the couch with you.

'Ben, where are you?' Slender's voice rang inside his head.

'Y/N needed me. Do I need to come back?'

'Yes. I'll tell Tim, Brian, and Toby to forget about going to her home to look after her. Bring her here with you. It will be safer that way for now.'

'You're going to put the family in danger over a mere human? I thought you wanted her dead at first?'

A long pause. A sigh. Slender didn't answer Ben's questions.
He was hiding something. Or he wasn't saying something.

'Just bring her here. Make it quick.'

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