Chapter Twenty-four

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Darius and Devon in multimedia

Chapter Twenty-four

August 22, 2014

Devon Jackson

"Summer is almost over. We have to go out with a bang" the words of my cousin Darius. I sat at the foot of the bed pulling on my timberlands.

I really ain't feel like going to this party. But, I knew Darius wouldn't shut up about it. I'd just sucked it up getting ready to go.

Each summer Daria and I come to Atlanta to visit family. And each year Darius has to go to biggest party before we go home. I don't know what's up with him and these parties.

"Aye" Darius shouted down the hall coming in my room. I stood up grabbing my keys.

"I heard every female in Atl about to be at this party" he kept going on as I drove to this address.

I had to drown him out by cutting the radio on.

The night went on. And I was beyond tired and ready to go. Darius was all over the place. I mean like I was enjoying myself few drinks here and there. Dance a little bit with some girls, met some people. But, this one dude. I got bad vibes about him. Derrick, I think his name was.

It was a little after midnight. When Darius came running to me saying it's time to go.

I looked at him confused. Trying to figure out what was going on. It was chaos everywhere. Party went from 0 to 100 real quick. The feds were all over the place.

Darius and I made it back to the truck just in time. I looked at him. He looked at me.

"What the hell happened" I asked. He shook his head.

"Some girl got raped" he said. "And they looking for the guy after she ran back in the party screaming and a bloody mess and something else happened, too" he said as I drove off.

It was quiet driving back to the house. The radio was the loudest thing. I sat there looking out the window. We sat in traffic for a good 20 minutes. I hate traffic. I was eager to get the fuck home.

After hearing that broadcast on the radio, my nerves were all shakily.

Everything is about to be turned upside down now.

What the fuck

Authors note-



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