Chapter Three

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Kevin in multimedia

Chapter Three

Nadia Rodriguez

I woke up with the strongest hangover than I'd ever had before.

I ran up in the bathroom vomiting. After I finished, I walked out looking confused. I wasn't in my room. I looked down I was in a t-shirt. Then, I saw him in the bed.

He rolled over looking at me, "morning beautiful" he said climbing out of bed.

I was beyond confused.

He walked over to me touching my shoulders. "What's going on" I said.

"Don't really remember much" he said.

"Nope so, what happened, Kevin" I said grabbing my clothes to change.

"You were completely drunk" He said walking in to the bathroom. "I didn't know where you lived, so I just brought you back to my place" he came out the bathroom brushing his teeth.

"I changed your clothes and laid you down in my bed" he said. I started to get dressed when my phone was blowing up. Kira and Devon must of been wondering where I was. I'd practically didn't go to school nor did Kevin.

After he got dressed, we went to the mall.

"We didn't do anything" I asked shifting the bags I had in my other hand.

"We kissed, that's pretty much it" Kevin said looking at me weird.

I didn't remember it at all. I'm not the type of person to not remember anything at all. I'd continued to shop at my favorite stores. I had a lot of stuff on my mind even with the kiss. I can't really catch a break with the stuff on my mind. Sometimes I just wish it'll be all over soon.

Hanging out with Kevin seems to be taking a lot of my stress away. But, I know as soon as I go home, some shit is going to happen with the organization.

It was going on three o'clock when I step inside the house. I didn't even get the chance to relax a little when my phone started going off.

I looked at the number, answering it. "Hello" I said going upstairs to my room. I threw my bags on the bed, going in my closet. I could hear Ryan talking to someone in the background before speaking to me.

"You got time to come down to the trap" he asked me, "some stuff need to be handle" he said. I shook my head, trying to figure out was going on now.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few" I said. Ryan said a few more words before we hung up.

I'd hurried up and changed my clothes. I grabbed my phone and purse, leaving out again.

I'm just counting down the days my brothers return home so, I don't have to be in charge no more. This was where most of my stress comes from.

Kira Davis

After school, I didn't have anything to do. Devon was bugging me about chilling with him. I just gave in. We were walking around the mall when the oddest thing happened. Devon started holding my hand after we left forever 21. He was really scaring me when he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Haven't heard from Nadia yet" he said wearily.

"Nope" I said clearing my throat, "what's up with this" I was curious to why he was holding my hand. It's kind of weird cause he never been like this before.

"What" Devon looked at his phone then at me.

"Your arm is on me. So what's up" I said.

"Nothing" He looked back down at his phone, texting.

"Mmhm" something was up with him. Frankly, I was going to find out soon later. He always tells me.

"We going back to your house" he asked making me lose my thought.

"Yeah" I said getting up to throw my food away. I grabbed my bags in one hand. My phone and purse in the other. Devon wouldn't look up from his phone when we headed towards the parking garage.

"Dev" I said shaking him.

"Uh, what's up" he said,

"What's going on" I said, "You been acting weird all day",

"Nothing really" he said putting his phone in his pocket. I put the bags in the trunk of my car getting in the car. Devon got in sinking into the seat rubbing his face. I just stared at him.

I wasn't starting this car until he told me what was wrong. He looked over at me leaning on the arm rest. He just sat there looking. He bit his lips looking at me. He leaned even more forward. That's when it happened.

The drive back to my house was awkward. The minute I pulled in the driveway I got my bags and book bag. I headed up to my room with Devon followed. Thank god my parents aren't home. Dev walked in immediately talking. "Look, I'm sorry for the whole thing" he said eagerly. I just nodded. But I don't know what happened to me. I just kissed him back.

It was something about him. That attracted me to him even when we were five and just like at the party last night. He picked me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss was so passionate.

I don't know what came over me. I just let him take over with the kiss.

After Devon had left, I'd laid there in my bed thinking. Was I catching feelings for Devon? The only question that ran through my mind all night.

Authors note-



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