Rescue in the Past

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Leila was not sure how long she was out, but it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. As she heard the voice, though, she really wished she stayed in the welcoming darkness. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," Deszo's voice said as she continued to groggily wake up. She was still on the cold grass where she had been attacked by those two idiotic Knights.

"What are you doing?" Leila asked, pushing herself up- only to gasp as knives  shot through her leg. Pipsqueak had finally woken up too, and was gingerly crawling toward her.

"Taking care of those Knight in Shining armor," Deszo replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he helped her up, and carrying most of her weight as they began walking- or limping in her case. Leila looked back and lifted the small mingon into the air with her telekinesis. "You've been severely injured."

Leila held back her retort, but she was sure he would sense it anyway. She gasped as they dropped through a Shadow Portal and into Deszo's room. "Lay down and I'll get you something for the wound," he ordered, helping her to his bed.

Leila groaned as she landed on the bed. She looked down to see the Crimson trail; it began just above her knee. "Re-revertere..." Leila struggled, trying to remember the healing spell Althea had taught her. The only problem was, she was using a pretty powerful spell- since the wound was deep- which requires a lot of concentration; concentration that she did not have, since she was being overwhelmed by pain.

"Having trouble?" Deszo smirked, coming back with a bowl and some sort of poultice.

"What do you think?" Leila growled, shooting him an annoyed look. If the pain wasn't so bad, she would be able to heal it easily.

"You should let wounds like these heal naturally," Deszo advised, kneeling down and placing the bowl on the stone ground. "Unless you're a Remeder, Magic can be unpredictable when it comes to healing rates."

"Normally," Leila retorted, glaring at him. "I do. However, since it seems like I'm going to be busy for quite a while, I need it healed fast."

"Well, good thing this poultice is known for healing fast," Deszo teased. "Probably not as fast as you want it, though. And let's not forget that you need stitches."

"Is it really that deep?" Leila asked, hoping he was kidding.

"Yes," he said, revealing the needle and thread. "Trust me?"

Leila looked at him for a hard moment, but then sighed. "As if I have a choice?"

"Need something to knock you out?" He asked holding out his hand.

"No," Leila said shaking her head as she braced herself. "I've had to do this to myself a number of times. Being Niguidara is not exactly a safe occupation."

"If you say so," Deszo said, inserting the needle and beginning to stitch her up.

Leila quickly wished that she had accepted his offer. Truth was she would usually take something to dull the pain a bit when it was available; sometimes she wouldn't and it would bother her for awhile. She held in her cries of pain, though as he continued stitching.

After stitching her leg, Deszo put some poultice on her wound. "Comfrey?" Leila asked, trying hard to resist gasping at the sting.

"Yes," Deszo said, rubbing her knee with a final coat and then wrapping it. "I would stay off of it for a few days."

"Thank you, Remeder," Leila said sarcastically. "It's a good thing I have something called wings."

"You can stay here for the rest of the night," Deszo said gently, ignoring her remarks. "I'll sleep on the floor."

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