Ambush at Shadow Mountain

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Using one of the portals that Deszo created- as was common amongst Shadow Keepers, they could manipulate shadows as well create portals with them- Leila found herself in a dark dank cave. She created a fireball to light her way, much to the dismay of some of her companions. "Really?" A female Shadow Keeper with dirty blonde hair called Lea.

"I don't have your Mole eyes," Leila grumbled, rolling her eyes. "I'm used to a star filled sky and plenty of room to run around."

"You came here," Lea retorted, stepping in front of her. "Get used to it."

Leila stuck her tongue out behind Lea's back and then turned back to the portal, wondering when Khila was coming.

"Never again!" Khila gasped, as she popped out next to Leila. "I feel as if Seraphina dived straight down a hundred leagues!"

Leila chuckled tapping her friend's shoulder, and creating a tiny fireball to create a dim light so her friend could read her lips. "Can you at least see?"

"A little bit," Khila admitted. Since Khila was a Water wielder, she was able to dive into the deepest depths of any body of water and still be able to see about ten feet in front of her in some of the darkest parts.

"You're my guide, then," Leila said, grabbing Khila's shoulders with her free hand.


"Hey," Leila reasoned, "if we were in the forest, I'd be able to handle myself just fine. We're in the caves!"

Khila rolled her eyes and started walking, and Leila extinguished her flame- only because she didn't want everyone in the caves to whine and complain that there was a bright light nearby. They walked until they reached a large cavern that had some sunlight peeking through, giving Leila a way to see.

Most of the party ahead of them separated after they reached the cavern, but Deszo continued walking to another Cavern, that looked more like a sleeping chamber. There was a large bed at the far right corner, with a small pool that seemed to be fed by the a stream that come from somewhere outside; and it was cold, much to Leila's dismay.

"What is it that you two seek?" Deszo asked, sitting down on his bed and looking at the two females with an intense gaze.

Leila and Khila sat down on a couple of rock that were sticking up from the ground. "We want to know if the secret entrance to the mountain has been breached," Leila replied, it was too dark for her to sign, and Deszo probably didn't want a fireball light; she hoped Khila could read her lips a bit. If not, she would fill her in on the conversation later.

"Why would it have been?" Deszo asked calmly. It was hard to tell, but judging by his tone, and from what little she could see, she figured that his face was impassive; what his body was telling her, she didn't know. She'd ask Khila later- if she could see.

"Because Elmcoath mysteriously got past the mountain," Leila said tartly. How he did not know about their number one enemy getting into their borders was beyond her; however, she knew she had to keep it civilized if she was going to get any answers- even if that wasn't one of her strong points. "I know for a fact that King Arthur despises our kind- so flying is out of the question; and the mountain is too steep for one person to climb- let alone an entire army."

"As far as I know," Deszo said, still in the monotonous tone of his. "The entrance has not been breached for thousands of years. If it had been breached, I'm sure you would've known about it; because we would have told you about it."

Leila wasn't sure she entirely believed him, but she wasn't going to ask Khila in front of him if he was lying. "Okay," she said, standing up to leave. Khila followed suit and followed Leila after Deszo got up and stepped in front of them to lead them out.

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