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This is Andre's pov of chapter 9. :)

I was sent by the chef to serve room 34. Most people tell me it must be a pain going up and down in lifts doing room service, but I enjoy it.

I knocked gently on the room door and saw a women on the other side.

"Your food Ma'am." I said

"Yes thanks" she replied

I bought the food inside but she had some sort of concerned look on her face and I couldn't help but ask.

"Anything wrong ma'am?" I asked

"Well, in the room next door, I know well enough it's not any of my business but seems like something is wrong." She said looking concerned.

"Right, thank you for letting me know. I'll have a look" I said trying to reassure her.

"Thank you." She said

I couldn't just go into a room without any permission, i put my ear on the door and heard a conversation.

"....your life is currently in my hands." said a voice

What? I pulled back from the door shocked. Someone's life is in danger I kept telling my self as I ran though the halls.

There's only one place where all the spare keys to the hotels room are and you have to be in a certain position to have access.

"I need keys to room 35, Now." I shouted

"What? Why?" Said the man.

"Someone needs my help." I said, not realizing how stupid I must sound.

"what are you on about? Why do you need keys for a room." Security asked

"You'll see. Please." I begged.

The guard paused.

"Fine." He said

"Thanks, you'll soon find out why." I said before rushing off.

I looked at clock it's been 7 minutes, a lot could change in 7 minutes. After a lot of bumping into people I finally made it to room 34.

I turned the lock quietly, and the door opened. A woman was attacking a girl? What was i supposed to do. I looked around and took a hockey stick from a closet and crept towards the tall shadow. I held my breath and attacked and to my surprise the woman fell immediately leaving me to see a wounded, fair looking lady who looked like shes been through a lot. She stared at me and i just looked at her wound.

"What did you do??" She asked

I didn't know how to respond..

"That doesn't matter, are you hurt?" i asked dodging the question.

The summer in ParisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant