The Feels

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I woke up today not wanting to do anything ( like last time ). I had so much going on in my mind and the head of the police wanted to talk again. I had to go to the station at 11 am, so i had an hour to get ready.

After having a shower, i couldn't decide what to wear. I just went with a top and skirt and long boots. I came to the cafe for breakfast, thankfully not a lot of people noticed me there and quickly ate some pancakes and tea.

"Heyy! Sammy!" I heard a voice call out. Sammy? i thought. I looked only to see Andre. He was in his waiter's uniform, and honesty it suited him.

"Morning Andre." I said, trying to smile.

"How's that hand?" He asked looking at it.

"Its fine, better than yesterday." I said then I saw the time and had 7 minutes to get to station.

"Argh, i got to get to the station. See you." I said

"Oh right. Good luck!" He said while waving.

I kept thinking to myself while sitting in the taxi. How comes I've never seen him before? Rain started flushing down.

"Its so unexpected right?" Said the taxi driver

"Oh yes I didn't expect it." I responded.

Shortly after, I arrived to the station. My second time here, not what i had in my mind at all.

The police asked me to explain everything, and i did. I had no reason not to speak. As I'm the victim here. The Chief told me they have an idea where Amanda is, and will bring her in for questioning. My heart was beating out of my cheast.

"Y-You found her??" i asked

"We think we may have an idea." he responded.

"We also have the woman who attacked you she goes by the name Scarlet and is in custody. She will be questioned soon.

I felt a rush of relief and fear rushing though my bodies. I first met Amanda on the train? What does she want from me? And why me?

"You may leave now Miss Jansen, Thank you for your time." Said the chief

"Thanks Chief." i responded.

After leaving the station i deiced to walk to the hotel. I bought a new umbrella and started walking.

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